Gifted Thief (Highland Magic #1)(65)

Byron’s gaze flickered towards Jamie. ‘I’ll talk to my father. But even if he agrees, you can’t bring someone who’s in the Kincaid, Darroch or Moncrieffe Clans because they will be already be represented.’

I shrugged. ‘Suits me. Jamie can be one of the Moncrieffe reps.’ I winked at him. The corners of his mouth tugged up in a quick answering smile. He was still very cute, especially when he put his dimples on show like that.

Byron’s jaw tightened. ‘No, he can’t. Both my father and I will be travelling for Moncrieffe.’

I was surprised at that. Byron’s attendance made sense; he had, after all, been one of the few Sidhe I’d had proper contact with and I doubted that the other Clan reps would be keen to chew the fat with me during our journey. However, I’d assumed that the Steward would delegate the journey to someone else. He must be a hands-on kind of leader.

Tipsania was looking bored. ‘He’s made things very awkward for the other Clans. Now they all have to send their Chieftains so they don’t lose face.’

‘As they should,’ Byron replied. ‘This is a matter of some importance.’

‘So I’ve heard,’ she said sarcastically.

His expression softened. ‘Sorry. It’s been a long week.’

Tell me about it. ‘Can we get this show on the road?’ I interrupted.

‘I’ll inform the others. Despite your sudden desire to get going, we won’t leave until first light tomorrow. By the time everyone gets their gear together, it’ll already be too late today.’

I remained cheerful. ‘More time for me to hang around the Cruaich and get to know the Sidhe, then. What fun.’

Tipsania rolled her eyes. ‘Byron, baby, will you come with me to the garden? I need some fresh air.’

‘It would be my pleasure.’ It was interesting that his expression told an entirely different tale. He was going to have to work on his acting ability if he planned to make an alliance with the Scrymgeours through Tipsania to solve the Moncrieffes’ financial woes. Although, looking at the way she hooked her arm round his and gazed adoringly up at him, that might not be too hard.

I watched them go. Jamie said reluctantly, ‘I have to, um, I have to go too.’

I smiled at him. ‘Okay.’

Byron’s head turned for a moment, as if he were checking up on his mate. Perhaps he was worried I’d jump on Jamie and rip his clothes off right here and now. But as soon as Jamie walked off in the opposite direction, Byron returned his attention to Tipsania.

‘You like him,’ Bob said coyly into my ear.

I jumped. He was perched on my shoulder like a damn parrot. ‘Don’t sneak up on me like that!’

‘Why? Are you worried I’ll catch you drooling?’

‘For Jamie Moncrieffe?’ I considered it. ‘His dimples are rather alluring.’

‘Not him,’ Bob purred. ‘The other one.’

I stiffened. ‘Just because I might find Byron Moncrieffe sexually attractive, along with his friend,’ I added quickly, ‘does not mean that I drool. Besides, as you can see, he’s already taken.’

‘I don’t see no ring.’

‘Watch this space.’ I started to stride away again.

‘Uh Integrity! Stop!’

‘I have to find the others,’ I said. ‘They probably think I’m dead by now.’

The genie looked exasperated. ‘So why are you taking the long way around?’

‘What do you mean?’

Bob stood on his tiptoes and smacked me on the side of my head. ‘Hello? Teleportation?’

Oh. I’d completely forgotten. I grinned. ‘Thanks, Bob.’

He tsked. A faint shadow crossed his face while I snapped my fingers and declared in a deep voice, ‘The tower.’

‘You don’t have to do that with your hand, you know.’

‘I know but I think it adds a little something to the effect,’ I said, as I felt myself being tugged away. It really was a handy Gift to have.


Lexie, Speck and Brochan were relieved to see me. Once again I enjoyed several hugs. ‘We’re making a habit of this,’ I joked.

‘We didn’t know what had happened to you!’ Lexie burst out. ‘That wanky genie…’

I sighed. ‘It wasn’t his fault. But I certainly won’t be asking for any more wishes any time soon.’

‘What happened, Tegs?’ Brochan asked. ‘Who was it?’

‘It was the Bull all along. I should have suspected him from the start. I guess there are so many people around here who seem to hate me that he was too obvious.’ I explained to the three of them what had happened.

Speck’s face turned green. ‘Heights. I hate heights.’

‘It was kind of fun once I realised I wasn’t going to hit the ground.’

‘What colour is my aura?’ Lexie asked eagerly.

‘Orange. It’s very bright,’ I admitted.

She folded her arms. ‘Orange? That’s awful!’

I blinked. ‘Why?’

‘Orange and blue don’t go together at all. Now I’ll have to re-think my entire wardrobe! Not to mention dying my hair.’ She shook her head. ‘All this time I’ve been clashing.’

Helen Harper's Books