Forsaken Duty (Red Team #9)(62)

“Are you sexually active currently?”


“When were you last active?”

“A few years ago.”

“Have you ever had multiple partners?”


“Did you ever have unprotected sex?”


“Were your partners male or female?”


“Which of the following sexual practices did you engage in? Oral? Anal? Vaginal?”

“All of them.”

“Are you having any symptoms? Discomfort? Discharge?”


“When we’re finished here, would you like to discuss birth-control options?”

“No.” Addy didn’t want a hormonal treatment—that might really mess her body up with everything else she was going through. She and Owen would have to stick with condoms for the time being…if they decided to move to the next step.

“Are there any questions you have for me? Any other topics you want to cover?”


The doctor began her physical examination. Selena stood near Addy’s head. During the pelvic exam, the doctor looked up at Addy, shock on her face. Addy met her gaze unflinchingly. She knew what the doctor had seen. Scars. From the day she hemorrhaged after one of Cecil’s punishments that included being gang-raped.

Addy wiped away a tear. Selena was watching her. Her eyes went wide. She whipped her sunglasses off her head and handed them to Addy. “I think the lights are bothering your eyes again. Put these on.”

Damn it! Addy had forgotten all about her eyes doing their thing. She quickly threw the sunglasses on. The doctor finished her exam, removed her gloves and washed her hands. She came back over to Addy, who was sitting up on the exam table.

“Your eyes are bothering you?”

“Oh. No. I’m trying out a set of fad contacts. They change colors like a mood ring.” She tried to laugh it off. “I should have taken them out before I came here.”

The doctor nodded. “Never heard of that.” She sent Selena quick look, then put her hands in her lab coat pockets. “Addy, I saw signs of sexual trauma when I examined you. They appear fully healed.” The doctor sighed. “Are you still in the same situation that led to those injuries?”

“No. That’s over.”

“I would be happy to recommend a counselor. There are resources available to help you—”

“Thank you. Really. But that situation is over.”

The doctor nodded, not looking convinced.

“Will I… Will the scars affect my ability to have more kids?”

“I don’t know. They may. I would need to do a more complete exam before I can answer that question. Are you thinking of becoming pregnant?”

“No. I just wondered about the future.”

“When you’re ready to tackle that, I’ll be available. In the meantime, I’m going to have my nurse come in to draw your blood and take these swabs down to the lab. We’ll have the results in a few days.”

“Thanks, doctor.”

“Good day, ladies.” The door closed behind her.

Addy handed Selena back her glasses.

“Good cover with the mood contacts,” Selena said. “They should really make such a thing.”

Addy nodded.

“Does Owen know?” Selena asked.

“No. I’m not sure I’m going to tell him. I’m not sure he needs to know.”

Selena leaned back against the counter. “Some burdens are lighter when they’re shared.”

“He’s already carrying more than his share. He doesn’t need mine added.”

“Okay. Your call.”

The nurse came in and was startled to see Addy’s eyes. Addy threw out the mood contacts excuse again, which sparked an entire discussion about pop culture and fads. Addy had to promise to send her the link to the site where the nurse could buy her own. When she left, Selena stepped outside again so Addy could get dressed.

She heard a man Selena greeted as Doc Beck stop by. The convo was almost finished when Addy stepped out of the exam room. “Doc—this is Addy. Addy, Doc Beck. He’s seen almost all of us at one time or another.”

Addy was about to shake his hand when he gasped. He caught her chin and tilted her face this way and that. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine.” She pulled free. “It’s just fad contacts. I shouldn’t have worn them today. Sorry to startle you.”

“Mood contacts. That’s good. You sure you’re feeling well?”

“I feel great.” Which was true.

“We’ll be seeing you, doc. Take care.” Selena grabbed Addy’s arm and drew her out of the clinic. They didn’t talk until they got to the SUV. “Doc was weird today.”

“How so?”

“Not sure. Can’t explain it.”

“I guess the eyes set him off.”

“Maybe.” She looked at Addy. “Any other errands you need to do before we go back?”

“No, that was it. Thanks for coming with me today. I felt safer having you with me. I didn’t want to be alone with people I don’t know.”

Selena grinned. “Sure.”

Elaine Levine's Books