Forsaken Duty (Red Team #9)(33)

“Your brother just wants to protect you. Where were your parents in all of this?”

“My dad can go to hell. He visited me here. I told him what was happening, that I had to get out. I told him what Cecil did to me. I begged him for help. But Roberta was the worst. She kept telling me to quit doing things that upset Cecil, that I had to try harder to make him happy.”

That news went through Owen like ice, quickly chased with fire. “Your dad was here. He knew where you were all along? I spoke to him, several times over the years. He not only set up the Red Team, but he talked me into getting my own business off the ground. He’s one of my silent partners.”

Son of a bitch. He was in on everything. As a silent partner, they reported their activities to him, much as they had on the Red Team. His whole fucking team was in danger. Jesus. Was Jax working for his dad? Had he been in on this from the very beginning? He’d known about his parents’ plan for Addy—he had to have, to give him the warning to take her away.

There was no way of contacting his team without further exposing himself, Addy, and Troy. Nor could he contact them without the risk of bringing them into whatever danger was here…whatever trap Jax had set.

Owen let go of her hand as he leaned his head back against the edge of her bed. He’d spent part of each of his days there searching the property, checking what security Jax had set up. He hadn’t found any cameras or sensors inside or outside, but that didn’t mean they weren’t there; it was hard to find them without the proper equipment. The only perimeter precautions in place were the men in the guardhouse, whom he’d spoken with a few times. They had eyes like fighters. Troy’s tutor and nanny had the same look. He wondered again if Addy’s staff were secretly Omni soldiers.

He’d found it curious that Addy stayed here, where her hell had taken place. It was also interesting that, as unprotected as it was, the Omnis had never hit this place. What kind of agreement had Jax put together? And what, exactly, did he get out of it?

The Omnis played a long game. Maybe they knew they could use Addy as bait, drawing him here, then his whole team, when he needed a pick-up. It really was the perfect trap.

After a minute, Addy moved over to wrap her arms around his neck and lean her head against his. It felt so wonderful that he barely suppressed a shiver and couldn’t hold back a sigh. For now, he had to put those worries aside. Tomorrow, he’d make a plan.

“I wish I knew if you’re the Owen I knew before,” she whispered.

“I’m only one-sided, Addy. What you see is what you get.” He lifted her clasped hands to kiss her fingers. “There are two things I’m absolutely convinced are true. You and I are going to work through this. And the Omnis are going to fail. The when of either situation, I don’t know. But I’m a patient man.”

She sniffled. He shut his eyes, wishing he could talk to her without hurting her. He reached up and wrapped his arm around her shoulders then flipped her down to the mattress. She fought him, but his grip on her shoulders immobilized her.


“I don’t want to stop,” she snapped.


“Don’t shush me.”

“Then scream,” he said. “I don’t care. But I’d rather you could pretend, just for tonight, that I’m still your friend, and I’ve come to play, not do harm.” She calmed as he spoke. “Remember when I slew your dragons? Remember when I was your knight and did your bidding? Remember when I fought off your enemies and your loneliness?”

She closed her eyes and whispered, “They said you were King. They taught me to hate you.”

“Remember when you didn’t? Your eyes would sparkle with fun. Laughter spilled from you in giggles so infectious that even I laughed.”

A tear spilled from the corner of her eye.

“Let’s be who we were again tonight,” he said.

“We were children, foolishly believing there’d be good in our future.”

“I’m only asking for pretend. Pretend you asked me to hold you through tonight. Pretend you still adore me. God, I loved that about you. You always made me feel superhuman.”

“And there is the crux of the issue, isn’t it? It wasn’t just my adoration you craved, but adoration in general. It’s why you became King.”

“I’m not King. And I don’t think it’s a crime to want the one you adore to adore you back. Addy, my life has forever been forfeit to you, even when I thought you were long gone. Just…give us tonight. One night to hold each other. One simple night to heal.”


“Please, my Laidy.” He stroked the side of her face with the tips of his fingers.

“One night. No sex.” She pressed her lips in a thin line.

He smiled and sighed in relief, so damned grateful that he had to clamp down on his emotions. He moved to the outside edge of the mattress and settled on his side. He’d put his SIG under the mattress there. She got under the covers and gave him her back. He pulled her close, putting an arm under her head and one around her waist. She put a hand on his where it spanned her side. His face was against the back of her head, pressed against her soft hair. He felt her uneven breathing.

When it didn’t settle out, he whispered, “Imagine if you turned over and put your heart against mine? Our hearts can never lie. Never. They’ll talk to each other while we sleep and settle all the discord between us.”

Elaine Levine's Books