Fire and Bone (Otherborn #1)(128)
To my mom—I’d buy you all of the KitKats on planet Earth and Mars if I could afford it. Thanks for putting up with me and my weird brain—of course, it’s kind of your own fault, so . . .
To my amazing kiddos—there are no words for how grateful I am to you for all the slack you give me. You deserve a way better and more smarter mommy, but I know you’re okay with this crazy lady who would watch Friends reruns with you into eternity. Anyway, it’s a “moo point”—a cow’s opinion, that is—because you’re stuck with me.
To my husband, my partner in crime, my lover, and my best friend—you made this nutty dream of mine possible, believing in me when I didn’t believe in myself, and challenging me not to give up when everything seemed hopeless. Even when it meant you had to be annoyed late into the night by the light from my computer screen. The waves in Heaven are gonna be awesome, sweetie, just for you.
And, as always, I give you the glory, El Elyon, God of gods, and keeper of my heart. I rest beneath your wings . . .