Finding Our Forever (Silver Springs #1)(26)

On the other hand, she’d just spent two hours getting ready to see him—and here he was.

Dipping his head, he kissed her long and slow as he slid his big hands inside her robe and gripped her waist.

He wasn’t holding back today. Last night had convinced him that she wasn’t skittish, wasn’t going to bail out too easily. “I take it you don’t want talk first,” she said.

“No. I’m not interested in talking.”

Cora found it quite erotic that she was naked while he was fully dressed. She also liked his level of focus. “So there’d be no point in putting on my clothes.”

“Why make me take them off again?” He hoisted her up onto the dining table, putting her on her back.

She caught the lapels of her robe so it wouldn’t fall completely open. The soft terry cloth was beginning to feel like a safety blanket. But he pulled the fabric out of her grasp and ran his fingers over her bare stomach and breasts.

Cora shuddered as a ripple of pleasure went through her.

“You like that?” He continued his light touch, skimming up her neck to her face, where he ran his thumb over her bottom lip. “You’re so beautiful.”

The compliment surprised her. He wasn’t much for that sort of thing. She told herself not to take him too seriously, but at the same time she caught his hand and pulled his thumb into her mouth.

His pupils flared as her tongue moved over his skin, and he lowered his mouth to her breast.

Every nerve seemed to fire at once; she’d never been more aroused.

“Now I see how convenient a Brazilian makes everything,” he said as his mouth moved down her stomach. “Easy access. I like that.”

Cora couldn’t even speak. His hands were on her hips, and he was pulling her toward him, spreading her legs so he could fit between her knees. “Maybe...maybe we should wait until we know each other better for this,” she said, finding her voice.


“Because makes me really self-conscious.”

“You don’t have to be self-conscious with me.”

He bent his head. When she felt his tongue, she nearly jumped off the table.

“It’s okay,” he murmured, his breath warm. “Relax. This is going to be fun.”

The next few minutes were more than fun; they were mind-blowing. Cora drew in a deep breath and closed her eyes as he used his mouth in a way she’d never experienced before. The sucking motion was so subtle, so gentle and so incredibly effective that her legs began to quiver. She felt his hand rub one of them, as if in encouragement, before that hand slid back up to her breast.

She was seconds away from the best climax of her life. Cora felt the escalation, the compulsion of her body to reach that pinnacle.

Then the doorbell rang.

Trying to force her sluggish brain to work as it usually did, she started to get up. She thought Elijah would stop so she could deal with her guest, especially because his truck was outside. They couldn’t be caught doing something like this. It wouldn’t look good. But he muttered a gruff, “No!” and held her that much more tightly as he continued his ministrations.

He was so insistent that she let her head fall back and reached for the sides of the table. She had to hold on to something...

“Cora, you there?”

Doug. Of course. He would show up at the worst possible moment.

“The door!” she whispered emphatically, but Elijah wouldn’t let Doug take this away from her. She felt his beard growth on her thighs as he shook his head in refusal.

Fortunately, the climax she’d been chasing burst upon her soon after, despite the fact that Doug knocked again.

After Elijah heard her gasp and felt her body jerk, he straightened in satisfaction. He’d given her one hell of a climax. She could tell that had been his goal, but he didn’t seem pleased. “Damn him,” he grumbled, his voice low as he scooped her off the table, set her on her feet and bent to retrieve the belt to her robe.

“What should we do?” Her mind scrambled to decide how best to explain Elijah’s presence, her disheveled appearance and their delay.

After a brief hesitation, he took charge. “She’s in the shower,” he called out, turning her toward the bedroom and giving her a little push.

As she hurried down the hall, he headed for the door.

“When I got here, she yelled for me to come in,” she heard him say as soon as she was safely behind the closed door of her bedroom. “But I’ve been waiting for fifteen minutes, and she’s not out yet. So you might want to leave those here or come back later. I’m going to come back myself.”

Doug said something in reply. Cora couldn’t make it out. His voice wasn’t as strident as Elijah’s. Then there was silence, and when she peeked out, they were both gone.

Smooth move, she texted to Elijah.

What I did with Doug or before? came his response.

Although she could tell he was teasing, his words let her know he was still very much fixated on what had occurred—and she couldn’t blame him. She was having a hard time forgetting about it herself, and she was the one who’d at least been satisfied. Pretty proud of yourself, huh?

That felt good—even to me.

Lol. I won’t lie. You could win an award with that technique.

Glad to hear it. Then maybe you’ll see me again tonight.

Brenda Novak's Books