Fable (Fable #1)(82)
Writing this book truly did feel like an adventure, and I couldn’t have done it alone.
I always give my thanks to my own little crew first—Joel, Ethan, Josiah, Finley, and River—because they are the ones who see me through the restless fever dream that is drafting a story. Thank you for the early morning coffee runs, the meals carried into my office, and the late-night glasses of wine that appear beside my laptop. Most of all, thank you for the imagination that keeps my stories alive.
To my father, who this book is dedicated to, this story came to me only days after you left this world. Sometimes, it felt as if you were watching over my shoulder as I typed the words on its pages. There are messages in a bottle throughout this book for you. I have no doubt you’ll find them.
And thank you to the rest of my clan and kin, Mom, Laura, Rusty—king of the Rustyrita—Brandon, Rhiannon, Adam, and Chelsea. I just honestly don’t like anyone as much as I like you guys.
All my gratitude to my agent, Barbara Poelle, and my editor, Eileen Rothschild. I feel like you both had so much unflinching belief in Fable’s story and I’m so glad we could bring her to the shelf together. To my incredible team at Wednesday Books: Sara Goodman, Tiffany Shelton, DJ DeSmyter, Alexis Neuville, Brant Janeway, and Mary Moates—thank you for everything you do. I couldn’t keep this ship afloat without you. And to Kerri Resnick, designer of Fable’s cover, you did it again! So lucky to have you and your talent!
Yet another acknowledgment to my critique partner/work wife/codependent storyteller, Kristin Dwyer. I have never wanted to throttle you more than when you made me delete the first six chapters of this book and rewrite them. Thank you for not ever letting me give less to a story than my absolute best.
To my writer friends, I could not navigate the waters of publishing without you! A huge thank-you to Stephanie Garber, who somehow always has the words that will keep me believing wholeheartedly in my work. Thank you also to my soul sister, Shea Ernshaw, for whom I don’t even need to add specifics because she can literally read my mind. You are a gift. Thank you to Isabel Ibanez, Rachel Griffin, Stephanie Brubaker, Shelby Mahurin, Adalyn Grace, Shannon Dittemore, and the rest of my local writer gang.
Perhaps the most important contributor to this book was Lille Moore, who served tirelessly as my sailing expert on this project. I can’t believe how lucky I got when you answered my request for someone who sails! I am endlessly grateful for the time, energy, and dedication you gave to Fable. Thank you.
Thank you to my beta readers, Natalie Faria, Isabel Ibanez, and Vanessa Del Rio. I don’t know what I would do without you.
And a heartfelt thank-you to my non-writer-world supporters—the A’s, the Ladies, and everyone else who has been there for me along this journey.