Dangerous Mating (A.L.F.A., #3)(14)

“Who is it?” the prince asked, standing over her shoulder, deliberately reading her message.

“It’s my boyfriend wondering where I am.” She stepped away. “I really should—”

“Miss Tomlin,” he backed her against the desk and put a hand on the wooden top on each side of her, “you don’t want problems with our police. Any crime against the royal family is punishable by death. And you are trespassing on my property.”

Fuck. He was a bipolar psycho. Charming one second, threatening her life the next. That red glowed brighter and larger, then died back. She put on a smile to save her life. “On second thought, it would be nice to sample some of the best food your country offers. Let me text my boyfriend and he’ll be here shortly.”

“I haven’t invited him, Miss Tomlin,” Goddard said.

Oh, shit. This couldn’t be good. But what could she do? She swallowed hard. “Of course, you haven’t. How presumptuous of me.”

He stepped back. “Wonderful. Now send your friend a message telling him you’ll be fine. I will deliver you to your hotel safely.”

She picked up the phone from the desk where she’d dropped it and brought up the on-screen keyboard. There had to be some way to let Sheldon know she’d be okay or he would barge in and get himself shot. Or worse yet, get them both put in jail and cause an international incident. Just what she needed on her first trip into the field.

She typed, “Guess who I just met. Prince Goddard! He’s invited me for dinner and a show. Enjoy the tour. Don’t wait up.” Why, now that she needed to be clever with words, could she not think of one secret code or clue phrase? The spy business wasn’t for her. She needed to stick with her movies and fantasies.

“Very good,” he said after reading what she’d typed. “Send it and we’ll go.” She tapped the envelope icon, then the prince snatched the phone from her hands.

“Hey!” She tried to grab it back. “That’s mine. Give it back.”

Goddard tsked. “You Americans and your toys. Dinner is not the place for such distractions. After we finish, I’ll return your phone.” She had no choice. And she was hungry.

“Lead the way,” she said. He took her hand and opened the door for her. Every other step, another amazing piece of art dazzled her. His stash had to be worth billions. “Your collection of art is astounding. You must’ve spent a long time searching for everything here.”

He smiled. “It is quite impressive, isn’t it? Many items are from the castle and very old. But a majority I’ve found here and there in my life.” He flipped a hand in the air like it was nothing. Just a watercolor he found at a starving artist sidewalk sale. Whatever.

After a maze of hallways, they came to a set of doors that looked solid gold. Wasteful, but beautiful. He pulled them open with grand flourish and strutted into the room. This was not what she expected for a dining room.

The lighting was low, very low. How would they be able to see their food? As they walked, she realized the room was bigger than she’d thought. Others were in the room already. They sat on giant pillows leaning against the walls. In front of each person was a tray of fruit. And she noted they were all men who held an air of importance. Some had a scantily clad female draped over them. One had her hand down the pants of a guy in a military type uniform.

Her eyes snapped forward. She suddenly wasn’t hungry. What had she gotten herself into?

Chapter Nine

Kari’s mind swirled with ways to get out of the “dining” room and palace as quickly as possible. She felt like she was walking into a bizarre porn movie.

The prince led her to the back wall where more pillows were stacked and trays sat waiting with what looked like fruit. Goddard assisted her with the pillows.

“Are you comfortable, Miss Tomlin?” he asked. He had returned to his charming self. As long as she did what he wanted, he seemed happy.

“I am, thank you,” she replied. As soon as he sat, soft Arabian music played and more women came out of a side door, carrying pitchers. The prince’s wine glass was filled first and hers next. The liquid was dark. He leaned toward her.

“This is wine from the finest vineyards in France. It is superb. I hope you like it.” When the ladies filling glasses left, he raised his glass. Everyone followed suit. “Welcome, all, to tonight’s feast and show. I see some of you have started your entertainment early.” He smiled to his guests. Maybe she had misunderstood what was going on. The prince nodded toward the couple where the lady had her head bobbing in his lap. Then again, maybe she had understood this too well.

And Goddard called her phone a distraction? He needed to get his shit straight.

He continued. “We have a special guest tonight.” He looked at her. “An American female visiting my lovely country.” The word “American” turned their heads. Her heart suddenly tripled its rate. “A beautiful woman like you is a treat in itself. For tonight, you are my stunning princess.” His head bowed toward her. If he was trying to win her over, it was working. He turned back to the group and spoke foreign words. Everyone took a drink and so did she.

The wine was surprisingly very good. She wasn’t a drinker. Had never acquired the taste for it. Guess she’d never had the good stuff. Side doors opened and women poured out, carrying steaming food on platters.

Milly Taiden's Books