Dane's Storm(11)


Then . . .

Audra emerged from the building where her art class was held, surprised to see a sky full of gray clouds overhead. The weather forecast hadn’t called for rain.

“Hey there.”

She halted, smiling before she’d even looked up. Dane Townsend was leaning casually against a telephone pole, his hands in his pockets, waiting for her just as he’d been doing for the past several weeks. Her heart drummed in her chest. She kept expecting that he wouldn’t be there on Tuesday or Thursday, and though it would pierce her heart, she tried to prepare herself for that inevitability. She still wasn’t exactly sure why twice a week after class he’d pick up Dalila, take her home, and then come back an hour later to drive Audra home as well.

She was still a little embarrassed that he’d seen the drawings she’d done of him. The art teacher—Mr. Woodrow—had walked in the room a minute after those sketch pads had fallen to the floor, saving her from any further humiliation. But the next class, he’d been outside waiting for her, asking if he could take her home.

He’d ask her questions about her life, and though she was unused to talking about herself, she found it was surprisingly easy to open up to him. And even more surprising, he seemed genuinely interested, almost . . . fascinated. She still didn’t comprehend why. He was the most beautiful boy in the entire world, strong and striking, and for some unknown reason, he wanted to get to know her.

Audra smiled brightly. “Hi.”

He pushed off the pole, walking toward her.

“How was class?”

Before she could answer, a raindrop hit his nose and he looked up just as another one splattered across his cheek. “Damn. I didn’t bring an umbrella.”

The rain suddenly picked up, pitter-pattering on the sidewalk and Dane laughed, swearing again. He grabbed Audra’s hand, pulling her to the cover of a service entry on the side of the building.

She laughed too, pressing her back against the door. He stepped up close to her so she was covered by the very small overhang, though half of him was still exposed to the rain. Behind him the water drummed on the pavement as he continued chuckling, leaning his head closer so at least that part of him was saved from being drenched. She tilted her head, looking up at him, her breath catching in her chest at his masculine beauty, his brown hair slicked back, his green eyes filled with humor, his wide shoulders shielding her from the weather. And, God, he smelled so good. She closed her eyes, inhaling the scent of him. When she opened her eyes, he was watching her, his expression serious now, filled with something she didn’t have enough experience to name. But she knew on a primal level that he was thinking about kissing her.

Her breath hitched, her lips parting as his gaze shot to her mouth and back to her eyes. The tension between them grew palpable, and Audra’s heart slammed beneath her ribs. She pressed her back against the metal of the door, flattening her palms against it as Dane leaned in even closer.

He reached up and used both hands to smooth the pieces of hair that had fallen from her braid. Her breathing became uneven as her heart beat in time with the rain, and she felt like part of her was falling too. Spinning, swirling, at the mercy of a force beyond her control, beyond her understanding.

He moved in slowly, as if giving her time to realize what he was doing, perhaps a chance to push him away—though that was the furthest thing from her mind. She was scared, but she welcomed him, reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck, feeling the rain on the back of her hands as it saturated his hair and slid down his neck. He bent to her, their mouths coming together on a moan she wasn’t sure had come from her or him, possibly both.

His tongue swept into her mouth, and for a moment she froze, unsure of what to do. She’d never been kissed before. But he seemed to sense her hesitation, and he withdrew his tongue, nibbling at her lips, using his tongue to brush across her mouth until she became accustomed to the taste of him, the feel of his lips on hers. God, it was incredible. She pressed against him, loving the feel of her breasts crushed against his chest, the solid warmth of his body.

Seeming to sense the very moment she realized she wanted more, he dipped his tongue slowly between her lips and this time, she met his tongue tentatively with her own. He moaned, a sound filled with need, with encouragement. The sound excited her and she opened her mouth and tilted her head, inviting him more deeply inside her body. He accepted joyfully, deepening the kiss and pressing his body more firmly to hers. She was aware of a distant ache full of longing, something that felt as if it were sparkling inside her, demanding release. The kiss went deeper as he slid his hands down her body and for a moment Audra’s mind went fuzzy. She was only sensation and desire. There was only him, his taste, his hands, the pounding sound of the rain all around them, and a similar pounding in her veins.

After a lifetime, and only a moment, he broke away on a tortured moan, leaning his forehead on hers, sucking in a lungful of air as his heart thrummed against her own. She opened her eyes slowly, still dazed with the torrent of sensations flooding her system.

Her lips, still wet from his kiss, tipped up and she stared into his eyes, amazed when she saw his gaze was filled with the same wonder she felt inside. And suddenly, the entire world burst into vivid, glorious color.


Dane pulled up in front of Audra’s house and she smiled. The look of awe on her face was the same as what had been there after he’d kissed her. He imagined his expression was the same. He’d never experienced a kiss like that one. It’d felt almost as if . . . she was familiar in some way he didn’t know how to explain to himself. Kissing her had felt like . . . coming downstairs on Christmas morning: thrilling and calming all at once. Joyful. He wanted to do it again. And he wanted to keep doing it. He was getting hard just thinking about it.

Mia Sheridan's Books