Claiming Felicity (Ace Security #4)(2)

“What would you know about love?”

“Well, I’m not an expert. But if a man told me he’d prefer I pee in my pants rather than leave his side, I’d drop his ass like a hot poker. Why can’t you see how awful he is? We’ve been friends for two years. I’ve never seen you act like this before.”

Colleen looked up and into her roommate’s eyes. “I admit there are times when he’s not the nicest, but you aren’t around him all the time. He’s the most romantic man I’ve ever met. He’s super protective of me. We were on campus one time when a guy whistled at me, and he put his hand around the guy’s throat and told him if he ever disrespected me again, he’d kill him.”

Megan knew her eyes were huge in her face. “That’s not romantic, that’s crazy,” she told her friend.

Colleen stubbornly shook her head. “No, I’m just not explaining it right.”

“I think you’re explaining it exactly right,” Megan said dryly.

“His family is amazing. His mom died when he was little, and it’s just him, his dad, and his uncles. His dad is strict, but they’re all pretty hilarious. This huge Italian family. They have each other’s backs, just like Joseph has mine. He’s just stressed about school. He doesn’t mean to hurt me. He’s always so sorry after something happens.”

“Oh, sweetie, all abusers are. They promise it’ll never happen again, but it always does. It’s just going to get worse. Please. Press charges. You deserve better.”

Megan knew her friend was going to refuse by the stubborn glint in her eye. “No. I love him, and he loves me. We’re going to get married and have at least three kids. I won’t let you mess that up for me. I was going to wait until the end of the semester to move out, but it’s obvious things between you and me aren’t working out. If I can’t have an argument with my boyfriend without you calling the cops on us . . . you’re no friend of mine.”

“Colleen, no, wait—”

“You heard her,” Joseph said as he came up next to Colleen. He slid an arm around her waist and pulled her into his side.

Megan saw the way her friend winced at the movement, but she didn’t protest.

“I’ve asked Colleen to move in with me. She agreed,” Joseph told her, a gleam of triumph, and something else she didn’t understand, in his eyes.

Megan turned to the police officers. “So you’re just going to let him get away with this?”

One of them shrugged apologetically. “If she won’t press charges and there aren’t any new wounds on either of them, our hands are tied.”

“Are you at least going to make sure this incident is recorded? So if she shows up dead, there’ll be some record of my complaint against him?”

“There will be a record of the call,” the other officer said. Then he turned to Joseph and Colleen. “Now, why don’t you two go on and get out of here. Sir, you said you had an apartment in another building. We don’t want to be called back here tonight.”

“Thank you, Officer. Me and my girl’ll get going right now. Can I press charges against her for making a false report?”

Megan’s head whipped around to stare at Joseph in disbelief. “What?”

The officer nodded. “That’s your choice.”

“I’ll think about it,” Joseph said calmly. “Thank you for your assistance tonight. We don’t want to cause any more issues. If my girlfriend needs an escort to collect her belongings at a later date, can we call the station?”

The police officers looked uneasy now, but one nodded. “Yes, if you think it’s necessary.”

“It’s necessary,” Joseph said. He turned his gaze to Megan. “My girlfriend’s roommate is delusional and doesn’t like that her friend has a loving boyfriend who looks out for her. She’s crazy, and I don’t trust her not to fill Colleen’s head with bullshit about me and my family.”

“You know it’s not bullshit,” Megan ground out.

“Enough. Go ahead and take your girlfriend to your place. Ma’am? If you can please come with me while Ms. Murphy packs a bag.” The officer motioned to the doorway with his arm.

Megan looked toward her friend, hoping against hope she’d come to her senses, or at the very least defend her. But no. She was staring at her feet, not making eye contact with anyone.

“Colleen?” She waited, but her friend didn’t look up.


Knowing the cops would only wait so long, Megan said quickly, “If you ever need anything, I’m here for you. No strings.”

“Officer?” Joseph said, anger in his tone.

“Come on, Ms. Parkins.” Megan allowed him to lead her out of the room. When they were in the kitchen, Megan turned to him. “He’s going to kill her. Isn’t there anything you can do?”

He shook his head. “If your roommate doesn’t want to press charges, there’s not much we can do.”

“So what . . . you have to wait until you find her dead body?”

The older man looked uncomfortable, but didn’t answer. Simply stared down at her.

Megan sighed and leaned back against the counter. She crossed her arms over her chest and watched the hallway. Within ten minutes, Colleen appeared with Joseph still holding her waist and the other officer following close behind them.

Susan Stoker's Books