Charming Hannah (Big Sky #1)(11)

“Don’t do that.” My voice is sharper than I intended, but the irritation is swift. “You’re not a slut, Hannah. We’re fucking attracted to each other. Jesus, the chemistry has been off the charts every time we’re in the same room together since we first met. That’s not being promiscuous.”

“You’re right. Again.” She pushes her hair back. “If you want to go, I understand.”

“Hell no, I want to watch this show.” I sit in the middle of her couch so she has no choice but to sit next to me. “And I want to feel you next to me for a few hours.”

She tilts her head, watching me for a moment, then shrugs and sits next to me after reaching for the remote. “Let me check my phone.”

She pulls the device from her pocket, but there have been no calls.

“No babies so far tonight,” she says with a grin. “I’m not expecting any of my patients to go into labor this week, actually, but you never know.” She sets the phone aside and presses play on the show.

“Jenna said you got called out last night.”

“Yeah, it was unexpected,” she says and looks up at me with sad eyes. “The baby was stillborn. He was too premature, and we couldn’t save him.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It happens.”

“I’m sorry just the same,” I reply and tug her against me. She fits perfectly in the crook of my shoulder, her head leaning on my chest.

“Shall we watch this?” she asks.

“Let’s do it.”

She snuggles up to me and we stay here, snuggled up together, as one episode, then another plays. Finally, she stretches and checks the time on her phone.

“I hate to kick you out, but I should get some sleep. I have appointments first thing tomorrow.”

“I have to be in the office early, too,” I reply and stand. But rather than walk to the door, I pull her into my arms, hugging her tightly. I hold her for a long moment, then pull away and smile down at her.

“What was that for?” she asks.

“I needed it.” You needed it. I wink and walk toward the front door. “When would you like to go for our hike?”

“Saturday morning,” she says. “Before it gets crowded up there. I like to hike up and then ride the chairlift down.”

“How does nine sound?”

“Perfect,” she says with a nod. “It’ll be fun.”

“I think so, too.”

I take one more long look at her, her blue eyes sleepy, her red hair mussed up now, and am already anticipating being with her on Saturday.

“Have a good night, Hannah.”

“You too.”

I walk to my truck, start the engine, and head toward home with the windows rolled down and my sunroof open. It’s a warm night. There are a million stars in the sky, and I know if I drove up into Glacier National Park, just forty miles from here, I would be able to see the Milky Way.

That’s something I can take Hannah to see another night.

Spending the evening with her was everything I’d hoped it would be. The chemistry is still there like a fucking freight train. It just rolls over us. But more than that, I enjoyed her company.

I plan to spend as much time with her as our schedules allow.

Once home, I secure my truck in the garage and walk into the house, greeted by my white lab, Sadie.

“Hey, girl.” She whines a bit and presses her face into my hand, then goes directly to the back door, needing out. My back yard is fenced for her, so I let her out and walk through the house double checking locks and alarms. It’s habit. I have to make sure the house and garage are always secure to protect myself from anyone who may be angry and want to take it out on the chief of police.

It happens.

Sadie scratches at the back door, and I let her in. We walk upstairs to the bedroom and she settles on her bed in the corner, ready for sleep.

But despite being tired, I’m restless. I take a long, hot shower which helps to calm me down. I slip into bed and think of a sexy redhead as I fall to sleep.


“Come in,” I call when there’s a knock on my office door. I’ve been doing paperwork all damn morning, and the distraction is welcome. I’m surprised when it’s Max who walks through the door.

Sadie immediately jumps up from her bed by my desk to greet him.

“Hey, gorgeous girl,” Max says and kneels to rub her head and give her kisses. “Aren’t you the prettiest girl?”

Sadie falls on her back in elation, exposing her belly.

“You’d think she never gets any attention,” I say and lean back in my chair. “Did you come to love on my dog?”

“Yes. And to see what you’re up to.”

“Just maintaining law and order,” I reply. “What are you up to?”

“I have to go back to LA,” he says with a frown. “I have some work that needs to be done in person.”

Max is a highly successful software engineer. So successful that he’s sold a few things to Google for a shit ton of money.

“How long will you be gone?”

“A month maybe,” he says with a sigh. “Which sucks because this is my favorite time of year here.”

“You don’t have to work,” I remind him. “You have more money than God.”

Kristen Proby's Books