Bro Code(57)

Deep breaths.

“Well, a lot of good ideas about turning it into a storage facility that is.”


“Roland Enterprises plans to automate the factory completely within the year this is true, but the automation will not be to assist you in doing your jobs. It will be to turn the building into a storage warehouse. No production, nothing but back stock and machines that sort the inventory, eliminating all of your jobs in a year’s time.”

Roland jumps to his feet in protest. “Barrett, that is quite enough. Ava, take the stand from Barrett, it’s your turn to speak.”

“You will address her as Miss Saunders, show some respect, Roland. Now, why don’t you take your seat while I break down the fine print for these gentlemen?”

Roland’s jaw tightens, his eyes wide and manic. “I don’t think you want to do that, Barrett.”

Barrett turns to me, sees the shock in my eyes, and offers me a sweet, apologetic smile. “Oh, I know I do, Roland.” He gives me a wink, then squares his shoulders with the podium again, looking out over the crowd and launching into his speech.

“The Roland Enterprises takeover would be an excellent move for Mr. Roland here, but the impact on the staff and the community overall would be overwhelmingly negative.” I peek over to check if he’s reading this off of something, but the podium is empty. He’s doing this off the cuff.

“I am confident in saying that Ms. Saunders is more than capable of running this plant, but she cannot do it without all of you. In fact, if the company shifted some of you into more management-based roles, allowing you to offer more insight from a mechanical standpoint, I suspect the factory could increase its efficiency and its profits in no time at all. All it would take is some legal help to restructure the company.”

My eyes are welling up with tears again, but this time, they’re tears of absolute joy and disbelief. This seems too good to be true, like just another Barrett fantasy, but a quick pinch of my arm ensures me I’m not dreaming. Barrett Wilson, teen heartthrob turned corporate lawyer, is abandoning his own client to side with me. No doubt losing his job and his accelerated partner track.

“Ava has an excellent business model,” Barrett goes on. “As a corporate lawyer, I can speak to the fact that there are few companies left that really prioritize their employees. You’re lucky to have a boss like her. And if you have a good thing…” He pivots back to me, his intense blue eyes locking with mine. “You shouldn’t let it go.”

From the back of the crowd comes one slow clap, then another, until the whole staff is on their feet applauding Barrett’s speech, calling out “well said!” and “hell yeah!” When I spot Nick standing and clapping with the best of them, the tears spill over onto my cheeks. I guess Dad was right. Sometimes, people can surprise you.

The moment is next to perfect until Roland leaps up, silencing the crowd with a loud “Wait, wait, wait!”

“This is ridiculous!” Roland barks. “Company restructuring? There isn’t a firm on Earth that this company could afford with their current deficit.”

“I’m sure they can find someone to do the work pro bono,” Barrett says with a smirk, waving Roland’s criticism out of the air. “In fact,” he says, glancing at me over his shoulder, “I think I know just the guy.”

Chapter Twenty-eight


“You got a lot of nerve, Barrett.”

Mr. Roland stomps up to the podium, cell phone in one hand and briefcase in the other. His head looks like an overripe tomato. I knew I’d royally fuck myself and piss a client off someday, I just didn’t think I’d be so happy about it.

“You’re finished,” he hisses, stretching one arm over the podium to shove his phone in my face. My boss’ name glows bright on the screen above the ticking clock indicating the length of the call. “I’ve had the senior partner on the line from the second you went off the rails up there. Maybe you’d like to tell him about your little eruption.”

I snatch the phone out of Roland’s hand and press it up to my ear. “Hello?” Mr. Lyons’ gruff voice is almost entirely drowned out by the chaos of the room, all the factory guys high fiving and rushing Ava to congratulate her. I don’t blame them. I’d be doing the same thing if this asshole hadn’t stopped me first. I cup my hand over my other ear to quiet the room a bit. “Sorry, could you say that again?”

“I said what the hell was that little speech, Barrett?” He’s yelling now, which I actually appreciate since it makes him easier to hear. “You just ruined this firm’s name. And for what?”

“The firm ruined its own name by its complete lack of ethics,” I explain coolly. “Which is why I won’t be working for you anymore.”

“You sure as hell won’t!” he barks. “You’re fired!”

“That’s not possible, sir.” I lock eyes with Roland, directing my words at him just as much as my boss. “Because if you were listening, I just quit.” The smug look on Roland’s face fades into a snarl. Did he really think he could win that easily?

“You’re useless without the firm,” Mr. Lyons hisses, but we both know that’s a lie. With my experience, I can find work almost anywhere.

Kendall Ryan's Books