Bidding Wars (Love Strikes)(8)

“I think you’re just as crazy as he is for not taking him up on the offer. Did you ever stop to think about what he might feel for you? That’s a lot to give up just for a date. Maybe he likes you…a lot.”

Her friend had a point. She hadn’t stopped to think about that. Did he really like her? She’d done nothing but be mean to him. She’d shown no interest in him. Maybe he liked bitchy, bossy women?

“Can we talk about something else?” Molly sighed.

“No. Besides him giving you that offer, did he make a move?” Sandy leaned against the wall.

“Not really. He had this look in his face though. I haven’t seen anyone look at me that way since…since Steven and I were dating.”

“Maybe he really does like you.”

“But why?” That was what she couldn’t figure out. Love at first sight didn’t exist.

Sandy put her hands on her hips. “Have you ever looked in the mirror? First, you’re drop-dead gorgeous. I’m sure he took one look at you and wanted you. Next, you think you’re weak, but you don’t come across that way to others. You’re strong and passionate.”

“Whatever.” She walked out of the room. She didn’t want to hear anymore. Diane said she’d know something tomorrow. Then, hopefully, she’d never have to see or think about Luke again.

Date him. Yeah, right. Everyone around here needed to be in a madhouse. There was no way that he liked her. Most likely, what happened last night was just an attempt to convince her to withdraw her offer. Perhaps his fine self had expected her to be putty in his hands and be flattered by his offer. He probably expected that the lonely nurse would turn it around and withdraw her offer for the chance that the hunky sheriff might actually want to date her. Now that was a scenario she could believe.

The morning had been slow, which was usual for a Monday morning. They’d get busy later in the afternoon when the nine-to-five pediatricians got full. One of the early patients was a little girl who fell off the monkey bars at school and sprained one of her wrists. Molly had been proud of the girl. She’d been so brave as they did X-rays and bandaged her up. The little girl had gotten a bright purple cast and couldn’t wait to go to school the next day to have all her friends sign it. The mother hadn’t been as thrilled as the daughter.

Her cell phone vibrated in the front pocket of her scrubs. Pulling it out, she saw she had a new text message from Diane.

Call me on your lunch break.

She dropped the phone back into her pocket. What could it be about? The offers were just submitted this morning and Diane had said Tuesday would be the earliest they’d know anything. She doubted anyone had swooped in and taken the house. Perhaps another house popped up in the neighborhood and Diane wanted to let her know because she knew how much she loved the area.

The next half hour was the longest thirty minutes of her life. She was dying to know what Diane had to tell her. And it didn’t help that she didn’t have a patient to attend to. Finally the receptionist up front told her it was her turn to take a break. Molly didn’t have to be told twice. She’d forgotten her lunch on the counter this morning, so she was going to head out to get a bite to eat. Once she was in her car, she pulled her phone out and dialed Diane, who answered right away.

“Guess what?” Diane’s tone was almost giddy.

Molly’s heart sped up. “What?”

“You got the house!”

“I what?”

“You got the house.”

“Really, I had the best offer?” Molly could not believe her ears.

“I don’t know. Your competition dropped out. He withdrew his offer.”

“Luke did what?”

“He changed his mind on the house. Your offer was the only one the seller received this morning and the timeframe to get in his offer is over. So yours was accepted.”

“The house is mine. I can’t believe it.” A grin spread across her face. She was getting her dream home.

Diane gabbed away, but Molly was baffled that he had done such a thing. What kind of game was this man playing?

Chapter Seven

Molly gripped the brass handle and pulled open the heavy glass door. She stepped inside the building as a rush of cool air hit her. Rubbing her arms, she took a deep breath and continued on her mission.

“Can I help you, ma’am?” The woman at the front desk gave her a polite smile.

Molly glanced around to see if she could see him, but she didn’t. “I’m here to see the sheriff, Luke Logan.”

“I believe he’s on his lunch break. Can I help you?”

“He’ll want to see me. Tell him Ms. Harper is here.”

The lady hesitated a moment but then picked up her phone and called Luke’s office. After speaking to him, she set the phone down and told Molly she could see him.

Molly remembered where his office was and made her way through the station. Of course, all the staff members fell silent and looked up from their desks as she passed by. She held her head high, her eyes firmly upon his closed door. She raised her hand to knock, but before she could, the door swung open. Her gaze drifted from his firm chest, up his neck, past his decadent lips, to his green eyes.

“I was expecting you to show up today.” He stepped back so she could step into his office. He closed the door behind her, but not all the way.

“What game are you playing?” She placed her hands on her hips.

“I’m not sure. Enlighten me to the game you think I’m playing.” Luke crossed his arms but stayed close to her, and it took everything in her to keep it together. Each time she saw him, he got more attractive.

“Why did you remove your offer on the house?”

He grinned, and, once again, his dimple appeared. Her heart sped up, and those darn butterflies returned.

“It wasn’t worth it to me. It’s just a house. I got so caught up in the thrill of wanting to win, I had to stop and wonder if it was worth it. There was a lot at stake, and I wasn’t sure if the equity was there for me to put that much money up. The more I thought about it, the more I realized this was no longer about the house, but the competition. It’s one of the reasons I have to stay away from those bidding websites. I get carried away sometimes.”

“That’s the only reason?” She wasn’t sure why she was disappointed.

“What were you hoping I would say?” His gaze locked on hers and held it.

There was no way she was going to ask if it had to do with her and the hope that they could have more. But as he stared at her with lust-filled eyes, she knew she had to say something. “I guess I just thought…from the stuff you said yesterday that maybe it was…never mind.”

Luke moved closer to her. Molly’s breath caught, and the sound of her racing heart filled her head. She did her best not to look at him, but her need to see his eyes was too strong. She gazed up and found he was staring at her with nothing but passion in his eyes.

She inhaled a spicy fragrance that tingled her senses. He reached out and rubbed his hand along her cheek. She closed her eyes out of instinct. Just the feel of him touching her brought back feelings she hadn’t experienced in a long time. The nerves in her body stood on end, and it was almost as though she were being tickled. She shouldn’t be enjoying this. In fact, she should tell him to stop again and not come any closer, but, man, did it feel good, for once, to just feel.

And feel she did. He was close enough now that she felt his warm breath touch her skin. Opening her eyes, she saw his focus was on her lips—his mouth inches away. If she made the slightest movement, she’d taste him.

She ached to grip his shirt and pull him to her. If they kissed, it would be passionate and ignite a fire deep within her. She hadn’t kissed another man since Steven. Could Luke be the first?

She pushed up on her tiptoes. She was going to do it. Reaching out, she was about to wrap her hand around his neck. Her gaze was locked on his, and it was as though they were moving in slow motion.

“Sheriff, you in there?” A man pounded on the door, sending it flying open.

Molly jumped back, and Luke glared at the intruder.

“Sorry, sheriff. I didn’t realize you had someone in here.”

“It’s OK, Rogers. What can I do for you?” Luke moved away from her and went out into the hallway.

She heard him talking to the officer. She wiped her sweaty palms across her shirt and took a few deep breaths. That had been close. What had come over her? Her intentions when she came over here were to yell at him and tell him what a jerk he was for putting her through this, driving up the price and then just dropping out. Not to get intimate in any way with him. She was blaming Sandy for this one. Damn her for putting ideas in her head.

Luke returned and this time left the door open. She was sure he had probably broken some rule himself and didn’t want anyone to talk.

Lacey Wolfe's Books