Bet on It (38)

He raised his fingers to his mouth, licking them like he was tasting the first sustenance he’d had in weeks. Aja watched him with hooded, hungry eyes that he couldn’t bear to look away from.

“It might be the lust talkin’,” he told her. “But you might just taste better than peach cobbler, woman.”

“Oh God.” She knocked her head gently back against the car.

“I mean it too,” he laughed. “I should start callin’ you Peaches. You’re juicy like one.”

Aja giggled and he was on her again, hand at her waist, drawing her close, mouth next to her ear. “You wouldn’t mind that would you?”

“You can call me anything you want as long as you fuck me,” she offered.

He pulled his mouth off of her long enough to flash her one of his signature grins. “Get in,” he said, tapping on her back window, pleased as goddamn punch when she fumbled with her keys to follow his order.

Chapter 12

Walker Abbott was apparently the type of man who kept condoms in the glove compartment of his truck. Laid out on the back seat of her car with her panties already somewhere underneath one of the seats, Aja realized the only thing she felt about this was relief. She didn’t even have condoms at home. If he hadn’t been prepared, they would have had to stop at the drugstore before going back to her place, because they definitely couldn’t go to Ms. May’s place. She was desperate for him, but not desperate enough to let his grandmother listen to her screaming out his name as she came.

If they even got that far—who knew if the moment would still be there? If given time, they might have come to their senses and realized that what they were doing wasn’t a great idea.

She also knew how she felt though. Knew that it wasn’t butterflies she felt in her belly when she was with him, but calm, quiet contentment. Knew that it felt incredible when he smiled at her. Knew that she’d met him only a few weeks ago, but she would sure as hell miss him when he was gone. And he would be gone. If there was only one thing that he had made clear, it was how he couldn’t wait to put Greenbelt behind him. Which meant he would eventually be putting her behind him. Soon all she would have left of him were her memories.

That was why, bad decision or no, she was going to sleep with him. So long as he was ready, willing, and able to have her, she was going to let him. And she was going to enjoy the hell out of it, every single time they did it. So that when it was all over, when he was back to his life in Charleston, and she was still here in Greenbelt, alone in the quiet of her apartment, fingers frantic as she rubbed herself off, her fantasies could be based on more than just an imaginary version of him.

When he opened her car door, she looked up at him, trying to convey every bit of thirst and eagerness she felt for him, for what they were about to do.

“You’re so beautiful,” he breathed, climbing in over her and shutting the door behind him.

Her car wasn’t very large. Aja was fat and Walker was tall and that made the back seat seem even smaller. She maneuvered her thighs so he could rest between them. It helped them utilize the space they had a little better, but it still wasn’t ideal. Their limbs were compacted and bent at awkward angles, their bodies pressed together a little too tightly to be completely erotic. They probably would have had a better go of it in his truck, in the bed or on the bench. But it was too late for that, and she feared that if they had any more delays, this thing might never happen.

“Walker, can you sit up for a minute?” He gave her a questioning look but did as she asked, folding his body into the seat as if sitting there properly.

She sat up, standing as much as she could and reaching around the front for the little lever under the driver’s side, pulling it and pushing the seat up at the same time. Walker caught on quickly, doing as she’d done with the other seat until they had more room.

Now that the stars were hidden, all she had was the distant glow of the streetlights to see him by. His handsome face was shadowed, but she could make out the hard bridge of his nose and pink of his lips. He was gorgeous, and the only thing she wanted was to have him inside of her.

She started with his tongue. Beginning with brushing her lips against his. Feeling playful and daring, she teased him with a flick of her tongue, making him growl and draw her closer until they were kissing in earnest. If what she’d been desiring was a back seat make-out session, this would have satisfied her. But that wasn’t enough to remember him by. Slowly and with great reluctance, she pulled back. Licking the taste of his mouth from her own.

“I want to ride you,” she told him. “Is that OK?

He groaned, head thrown back against the seat. “I honestly can’t think of anything I’d like more in the world right now.”

She shuddered. “Me either.”

He leaned against the seat, widening his thighs. “Go on then, take what you want from me, Peaches.”

She didn’t waste time trying to get them naked. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to see him, or have him see her, it just wasn’t the priority. The thing that mattered most right then was having him inside her, and if they had to stay fully dressed to make that happen quicker, she was willing to make the sacrifice.

Aja stroked over the hardness behind his jeans, rubbing and petting until Walker raised his hips in a silent plea for her to take him out. She worked his zipper down slowly, pushing his boxer briefs low enough so she could reach inside. He was hot as she wrapped her hand around him, and even hotter as she pulled him out.

Jodie Slaughter's Books