Any Way the Wind Blows (Simon Snow #3)(118)

Baz’s magic is hot, it normally burns a little bit … But not today. I don’t feel anything. I glance over my shoulder—my wings are still there.

Baz frowns. He points his wand again. “There’s nothing to see here!”

Nothing happens.

“Sorry,” he says. “I’ve been upset. My magic is … We’ll have Bunce do it.” He’s already walking into the living room. “Penelope—”

Penny and Shepard are leaning against the living room wall, kissing. (I kind of feel like I’ve been cockblocking Penny all these years. As soon as I left her alone, this happened.) “Spell Simon’s wings away,” Baz says.

She kicks away from the wall. “I thought we weren’t doing that anymore.”

“I changed my mind,” I say. “It’s too hot to hide them.”

Penny fishes her purple gem out of her bra (we need to fix that ring) and holds it out to me. “There’s nothing to see here!”

Nothing happens.

Penny frowns. “Did you already try, Baz?”

“Yeah, I’m too upset to cast.”

“Is that a thing?” she asks. “Maybe Simon moved to a dead spot.” She points her fist towards the sandwich wrappers. “A place for everything, and

everything in its place!” The trash disappears. “Hmmm…” She points at me again. “Now you see it, now you don’t!”

Nothing happens.

Baz shoots his wand into his hand and points at my new sofa. “Tickled

pink!” The sofa turns pink.

“Hey…” I say.

Baz points at me. “Clean as a whistle! Did that do anything?”

“I don’t know,” I say. “I was already clean. Should I feel dirtier?”

Penny has stepped closer to me. Her fist is still out. “Float like a


My feet stay on the ground. “Hey, you guys, slow down…”

“Roses are red!” Baz shouts.

Then Penny— “Violets are blue!”

Baz— “Cat nap!”

Penny— “Cat got your tongue!”

“For fuck’s sake!” I grab her wrist.

“Simon…” she says. Her glasses have slid down her nose. Her eyes are huge. “I think you might be immune to magic.”

Penelope makes me sit down. Like I’m experiencing a shock. I suppose I am

—what does it even mean to be immune to magic?

She sits down next to me, rubbing her chin and staring at my wings. “It’s got to be that spell he cast on you…”

Baz is pacing. “I’m going to murder Smith-Richards. I’m already going to jail for Philippa’s voice. I may as well add this to my crimes.”

“Smith didn’t know this would happen,” I say. “Oh God—we have to tell him.”

“Fuck Smith,” Baz says. “He shouldn’t be casting spells on people if he doesn’t know how they’ll work!”

“The spell works on magicians! He thought I was one!” I lean back on the sofa and fold my arms over my eyes. “I can’t believe this … I’ll never be able to hide my wings again.”

Penelope pats my leg. “You’re having them removed anyway.”

Baz huffs. “Not helpful, Bunce.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry.” She pulls my arms away from my face. “I’m sure it will wear off, Simon. I’ve never heard of a permanent shield. Even temporary shields are notoriously hard to cast.”

“Do you think that spell would have the same effect on any Normal?”

Shepard asks. He’s been sitting quietly at the other end of the sofa, leaving us to it.

Penelope twists around to shout at him. “Oh my words, Shepard, I’m not letting you anywhere near that man!”

“I’m just saying, your mom spelled me unconscious five minutes after she met me … I wouldn’t mind a shield.”

Baz stops pacing in front of me. He looks agitated. “Simon … love, I’m sorry. I know this is serious. But I have to catch Philippa before she leaves. I just…” He shakes his head half a dozen times and hitches the bag higher on his shoulder.

“You’re right.” I stand up. “I’ll get a coat.”

“No—you don’t have to come. Especially not now.”

“Baz, I’m coming. This doesn’t really change anything, even if I am immune to magic or whatever. When was the last time you guys cast a spell on me that wasn’t just to hide my wings?”

“We’re coming, too,” Penelope says. “I’m not letting you fall on your sword for this, Baz.”

Baz looks frustrated. He’s licking his bottom lip. “Neither of you are treating this situation with the gravity it deserves.” He glares at us. “I’ve done something really bad, and you’re just shrugging it off!”

“We’re not shrugging it off,” I say. “We’re coming with you.”

Penelope looks unimpressed. “Do you want us to say that you’re bad?

Fine, you’re very bad.”

“That’s not—”

Rainbow Rowell's Books