Allied (Ruined #3)(88)

“Attack? Where? Who?” he asked.

“I assume it’s the Olso army,” Aren said. “And they’re coming here, so I hope you remember your emergency assignments.”

“Yes? Yes.” The guard blinked at Gisela, who was halfway down the hallway and gathering up the Ruined. Aren turned and jogged toward them.

“You guys must be attacked often,” the guard muttered from behind him. Aren might have laughed, if he wasn’t still thinking of Iria’s retreating back as she headed to a lookout tower.

Gisela led them out of the guards’ quarters. At the end of the hallway, in the room where they’d been working on the Weakling armor, several soldiers raced in and out, grabbing shields and chest plates and piles of clothing.

They walked upstairs and outside, to the east lawn. The sun was sinking lower in the sky, casting an orange glow across the grass. Hundreds of soldiers and guards were already there, with more streaming out from every door of the castle.

About a quarter of the soldiers had Weakling armor or shields. There was no way to know if Olivia or any other Ruined would be attacking with the humans, so they’d been ordered to put it on just in case. Aren thought Em was right—if Olivia had been spotted following the army, she was going to attack at the same time.

He spotted Galo weaving through the soldiers. Three men and two women followed him—the soldiers assigned just to protecting Aren. Behind them, Mariana made her way toward General Amaro.

“Em made it back?” he asked Galo.

“Yes. We think Olivia is going to the southeast tower to try to use an old, closed tunnel into the castle. Em’s going to meet her.”

Aren’s body went cold. “Just Em?”

“Em is going to the tower by herself. We’re sending people with Weakling armor to that side, to help if needed. Do you want to go meet her?”

Aren shook his head, even though he desperately wanted to sprint to that tower as fast as possible. It wasn’t just that he thought Em was in danger. He worried what she would be forced to do if it were just the two of them. Would Em kill Olivia in an effort to save the rest of them?

But he knew Em would want him to stay here, to protect the castle and help the Lera troops fight off the impending attack. He’d been given instructions, and the soldiers assigned to him were ready. He wasn’t deserting them now.

“Let’s get in position,” Galo said. Aren noticed him cast a glance over his shoulder at Mateo, who was with a group of guards headed back inside the castle.

Aren followed the soldiers around the side of the castle, to the front and out the gates. The area in front of the castle was nothing but grass, the buildings of Royal City to the right and homes in the distance to the left.

“They’re coming from that direction,” Galo said, pointing south.

The soldiers rushed past him, getting into formation. Galo took a crate from one of them and put it on the ground. Aren stepped onto it, able to see better with the height.

“Anyone operating a cannon first,” Galo reminded him. Aren nodded.

They waited. Aren had sensed the army when they were pretty far out, it seemed. August had already lost the element of surprise by threatening Cas, but Aren had given the Lera soldiers a huge head start with the early warning.

Galo stood directly in front of Aren, the other soldiers forming a circle around Aren. The other Ruined were scattered among the soldiers and guards, dressed the same so they were impossible for most to spot. Aren saw Mariana standing behind two women with swords, and Gisela talking to a guard, but he wasn’t able to pick out any of the other Ruined. They were lost in the sea of blue and black uniforms.

He looked over his shoulder, to the southeast lookout tower. He could see the tip of it, but the castle hid the bottom from view. Em and Olivia might have been there now.

“Aren,” Galo said quietly.

Aren’s head snapped forward. The Olso army had just appeared at the top of a small hill. The first wave was all on horseback and from this distance it looked as if many were wearing their battle armor. They didn’t slow when they saw the Lera army waiting for them. Maybe Aren had been wrong. Maybe August counted on him warning the Lerans early.

The warriors kept coming over the hill, hundreds of them. Horse hooves pounded the ground. Blasts erupted from either side of their formation. Smoke rose from the spot where Aren had just seen Gisela.

He focused on the warriors with the cannons first, tossing their bodies high into the air. He wasn’t close enough to be very accurate, and warriors all around them launched into the air as well.

The warriors reached the Lera soldiers, yells echoing as swords met and bodies crashed together. The ground began shaking and a tree toppled over, crushing several warriors and their cannon. Vallos soldiers flew through the air. Gisela pointed to them as she threw them.

But the warriors kept coming, their red uniforms fighting their way through the Lera soldiers. Aren took in a deep breath and focused his magic on them.

Jorge asked Cas to move out of the castle foyer as the soldiers and guards rushed out to get into formation.

“We think the small library is the safest place for you,” Jorge said, lowering his voice so only Cas could hear. “We’ve just redesigned the closet in that room so that it locks from the inside. You should go there until this is over.”

“Will you come get me as soon as there’s any word about Em and Olivia?”

Amy Tintera's Books