A Knock at Midnight(103)

Inside the package were some of Chris’s favorite books. The topics ranged from quantum physics to philosophy to history to computer programming. Chris’s margin notes covered almost every page, containing the brilliant seeds of projects and ideas, both intellectual and practical, from the pen of a young man with little formal education.

Seeing Chris’s writing in the margins of the coding book, his meticulous notes signifying unflinching determination, I thought about what our creative minds could be doing if we weren’t always fighting oppressive systems. I thought of a fifteen-year-old Chris standing on the block during the midnight hour, selling crack to survive, knowing he had so much more to offer the world. Long before steel dug into the skin of his wrists, Chris was handcuffed by a suffocating socioeconomic environment that offered no access to channels of opportunity.

As I continued to leaf through the pages, reading Chris’s lines of inquiry, noting how carefully he interrogated his own initial conclusions, I felt a surge of outrage. But that was soon followed by an overwhelming sense of hope. Here was an extraordinary American mind. Here was human intelligence in all of its beauty. Here was Chris’s gift to the world—one that, once unchained, would benefit us all. Within the walls of America’s prisons lies genius.

    Let us free it.

The Buried Alive Project works to dismantle life without parole sentences handed down under outdated and inhuman federal drug laws through transformative litigation, legislation, and humanization. For more information, please visit: buriedaliveproject.org

Twitter: @buriedaliveproj

Instagram: @buriedaliveproject

GIRLS EMBRACING MOTHERS empowers girls with mothers in prison to break the cycle of incarceration and lead successful lives with vision and purpose. For more information, please visit: girlsembracingmothers.org

Twitter: @GEM_AmplifyHER

Instagram: @girlsembracingmothers

       In memory of my grandmother Lena Reed Barnett,

   the purest love I have ever known


This memoir would not have been possible without the love and support of many people.

My mom, Evelyn Fulbright, you molded our minds to be fierce and spirits brave. Thank you, Mama, for your transparency and for allowing me to tell our story in all its detail. Your unconditional love empowers me. I am so deeply proud of you.

Jazz, my life would be so boring without you. Your carefree spirit gives me permission to live life without layers. And Likeya, your love is always understood. Thank you for supporting me.

My dad, Leland K. Barnett, you are the gentle wind that carries me. I adore and admire you to no end. Thank you for holding my hand through this thing called life and for knowing when to let go so I can fly. I know you are always there to catch me. May every day be “just another day in paradise.”

There are heroes in this world that go unsung, yet they touch so many lives along their way. Billy Scales, my bonus dad, thank you for your love and instilling hard work and down-South values in us.

    I don’t know where I would be without my grandparents. Your wisdom and prayers put my mind at ease. Knowing I had your prayers interceding on my behalf helped me to fight harder.

There is absolutely no way I could have completed this book without Sarah Fuchs, an incredibly gifted and remarkable woman. During our two years together on this unforgettable journey, you dedicated your life to making this book all the brighter. Thank you for your collaboration and commitment.

My editor, Kevin Doughten, your thoughtful edits and honest feedback helped shape this book into what it is. This book is so much stronger because of you. I am so very grateful for you and the entire Crown team: David Drake, Annsley Rosner, Gillian Blake, Dyana Messina, Ellen Folan, Julie Cepler, Emily Hotaling, Rachel Aldrich, Ted Allen, Lydia Morgan, Carisa Hays, and Kaley Baron.

I would like to thank my book agent, Gail Ross, who believed in me from the very beginning. I am truly blessed to have you by my side.

To Van Jones, you have been a mentor, connector, and friend. You are an accelerator for people, organizations, and causes. Without you, there is no telling when this book would have been written.

Jesse Ihde, I am thankful for your selfless guidance and dedication to helping me create the foundation to begin this book. Your help was crucial for this project.

My co-counsel and friend, MiAngel Cody, I can’t thank you enough for poring over early drafts of my memoir. I marvel at your foresight and encouragement throughout this journey. You challenge me to probe deeper, for greater truth. I am forever grateful.

Thank you, Breon Wells, Avery Cunningham, and Jordan Jacks for reading and rereading drafts. Your contribution was invaluable.

I would like to thank the following SMU Dedman School of Law graduates whose important research contributed to this book: Aaron Diggins, Emily Heger, Faith Castillo, and Emily Nash. Your willingness as law students to work to help transform our nation’s criminal justice system is truly admirable.

    I could not have completed this book without the loving embrace of all of my friends and family, far too many people than I can name here, who were a constant source of encouragement during this process. You all motivated me more than you could possibly know.

The Girls Embracing Mothers team, I knew writing my first book would be a time-consuming effort, and I’m so thankful that I had you all with me every step of the way, carrying GEM to new heights. Thank you for your dedication to empowering women and girls impacted by maternal incarceration.

Brittany K. Barnett's Books