A Glimmer of Hope (The Avalon Chronicles #1)(94)

Shouting reached Layla’s ears. “What’s happening?”

Diana shrugged just as Jared dropped through the hole in the ceiling. “I’m beginning to get fed up of being a punch bag for these people.”

“You’ll get your chance,” Diana assured him.

Remy ran through the building into the kitchen. “We have an ogre problem. Might be an idea if you all help out.”

Layla sighed. An ogre problem. It never rains but it pours.


Layla rushed out of the building to find Brako fighting off the majority of Tommy’s agents. There was a roar and a huge werewolf leaped from the roof of the farmhouse onto the back of the ogre’s head, tearing chunks of flesh from the giant monster. It lasted only a few seconds, until the ogre managed to get hold of the werewolf and throw it across the farmyard as if it was nothing more than a tennis ball. The werewolf hit the ground hard, bouncing several times before coming to a stop.

Diana and Remy sprang into action, both of them closing the distance to the ogre in seconds, with Diana removing her clothing and turning into her werebear form almost in one smooth motion.

Once changed, Diana was still several feet shorter than the ogre, but she was fast and strong and managed to block or avoid most of the ogre’s attacks. All the while, Remy darted around it, making cuts on its legs and feet, trying to get the ogre off balance.

Brako kicked out at Remy and managed to catch him on his tail, sending him sprawling into the dirt. Layla ran over to check on him, but found that he was okay, if slightly dazed.

“How do we fight an ogre?” she asked.

“With style,” a werewolf Kasey said. She opened her maw and ice exploded from it, smashing into the ogre’s legs, freezing it in place.

Brako swatted one more agent, sending her flying, before trying to free himself from the ice prison.

By the time Kasey had made it to the ogre, he had managed to shatter the ice, throwing a punch at the werewolf that she only just managed to block, although it still sent her to the dirt alongside Remy.

Layla didn’t want anyone else to be hurt. She reached out with her power, feeling the metal all around her in the house and car. She wondered if she could throw a car, but the BMW only budged an inch. Instead, she concentrated on the car door, which tore free and flew at Brako, smashing into the side of his head with such force that the door almost disintegrated.

Blood poured from the ogre’s broken jaw, drenching his chest within seconds. He rounded on Layla and screamed something, but she couldn’t figure out what.

“You’re done hurting people,” Layla said, flinging a second door at him. It smashed into his stomach and knocked him back several feet, allowing Diana to dive at his head, sinking her massive teeth into his skull.

Within moments, Tommy had joined in the fight, and for a second it looked like they would win, but the ogre flailed at them and managed to knock them both aside.

Murderous rage consumed the ogre’s eyes, and Layla wasn’t certain that they could beat the creature, who refused to fall. Refused to die, despite horrific wounds.

There was a shimmer behind the ogre that caught Layla’s attention. The ogre saw it too and swiped the air beside him, but the shimmer was already moving again. And as quickly as it started, it stopped.

In an instant Masako sat atop the ogre’s head. She said something that Layla didn’t understand, then the pretty woman morphed into a monster. Her jaw dropped low, like a snake, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth. Her fingers elongated, forming talons, which she drove into Brako’s skull, tearing it open. She jammed her face into the open wound and began to feast noisily.

Layla froze, partly fascinated, partly sickened by what was happening before her. Masako was quickly drenched in blood, riding the dead ogre to the ground, most of its brain now inside her stomach. She sat on the ogre’s neck for several seconds, before licking the blood from her fingers in a way that reminded Layla of a cat cleaning itself.

“What the hell was that?” Layla asked no one in particular.

“That was me saving all of you,” Masako said, her hands and face returning to normal. “Anyone want to get me some wet wipes?”

“I don’t understand. You work for Elias. Well, Nergal.”

“I do. I have for many years. But I’m also not blind to what is happening here. Elias has lost control. I’m a professional, not an idiot.”

Tommy had changed into his human form and walked over to Layla. “Everyone okay?”

“My pride is pretty banged up,” Remy said, and kicked Brako in the side of the head. “Oh, and I’m going to need some bleach to get the image of Masako tearing into the ogre’s brain like it was a chicken wing out of my head.”

“Ogre brains taste funny,” Masako said.

“I’m gonna go lay down, maybe vomit a little,” Remy said casually. “Might regret ever meeting any of you. I haven’t decided yet.”

He walked off toward the BMW, which was still in one piece close to the farm entrance. Layla wished she could go with him.

“I should arrest you,” Tommy told Masako.

“Why? For saving your life? Is that an arrestable offense? Do you even have the power to arrest me?”

Tommy shrugged, and Layla got the impression it didn’t matter one way or the other. “Why are you here?” Tommy asked. “And don’t give me that ogre bullshit.”

Steve McHugh's Books