A Glimmer of Hope (The Avalon Chronicles #1)(85)

“There’s nothing there to help you escape this time.”

Elias left her alone, locking the door behind him, and Layla sat on the hard mattress, wondering exactly how long it would take Tommy and his people to find her. He had sworn that they would, she just didn’t know how. She stared out of the window as the smell of burning filled her nostrils.

“Why fire?” she asked Terhal, who was leaning up against the door.

“I like fire. I like that crackle as something burns. It’s cathartic.”

Layla turned around and stared at the drenik. Terhal had changed back into male form, and wore a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt. “I thought you preferred the female form?”

“I do, I just got bored looking like a woman. I figured I’d change to male for a while.”

“You’re not actually a demon. You know that, right?”

“I like to live up to the image you people imposed on me all those years ago. So, are you ready to have your mind broken?”

“I thought we went through this. I’m not going to let you out.”

“Fight him,” Rosa said, appearing in front of Layla. Unlike her normal appearance, Rosa was translucent.

“Her power is waning while mine increases.” Terhal clicked his fingers and Rosa screamed, vanishing from view. “See how pitiful the spirits are? Once your mind is broken, your body will be mine. I will be free. Or you could just accept me.”

The bodies of her friends appeared piled up in a corner of the cabin, forcing Layla to look down at her feet.

“But we know how that works out, don’t we?”

“Leave, Terhal,” Layla said, fully aware that her voice held no authority, and hating herself for it.

Terhal laughed as the door opened and Masako entered carrying a plate of sandwiches and a pitcher of water. She placed the items on the nearby table and stared at Layla with unknown intent. “Just do as they ask and no harm will befall you.”

Layla couldn’t help but laugh. “You don’t believe that. And where’s Chloe?”

“You will see her soon enough. Elias and his people are concerned about both of your abilities. I do not believe anyone here wants Elias to play the ogre hand again. You saw what that creature did last time.”

“Yes, I was there. Thank you for the food and water.”

“So you understand that until there are certain guarantees about your behavior, you’ll both be kept apart. I’m sure Elias will bring Chloe with him when he asks you to contact your father. Is there anything else you need?”

“Some books to read. I have enough problems with my mind without going crazy through boredom too.”

Masako nodded. “Do not make me regret my charity.”

The second she was gone Terhal reappeared. “Now, back to our alone time.” He walked over and crouched in front of Layla. “Let’s see what happens to your friends one more time.”

Terhal showed Layla horrific acts of barbarity being perpetrated on those she loved. People she cared for were murdered and tortured in front of her, and while a part of her knew it wasn’t real, her mind still reacted as if it were. At the end, when Terhal was finally done, he left her alone.

She opened her eyes. She was lying on the wooden floor, her sweat-drenched clothing clinging to her. Terhal’s visions were becoming ever more real, and even when she closed her eyes she couldn’t see anything but the evil visions.

There was a knock and the cabin door opened. Elias stood there, looking down at Layla. “The demon is beginning to take control.”

“Where is Chloe?”

“I brought her.” Elias stepped back outside, and Layla dragged herself to her feet, staggering toward the door. Just outside, bathed by a spotlight, was a kneeling Chloe. Her lip was bloody and her clothes dirty, but otherwise she appeared to be okay. Reyes stood beside her, holding a length of rope that had been wrapped around Chloe’s neck.

“Chloe!” Layla called out. She took a step forward, but Elias stood in front of her, barring her way.

“First we get what we want.”

“Chloe!” Layla shouted again, ignoring Elias.

“I’m okay, Layla,” Chloe called back. “Tired, and I really need a vodka. These guys don’t really know how to have a good time.”

Layla glared at Elias.

“I can’t say I care much for dirty looks, Ms. Cassidy. I just want you to see your friend, because in the morning you’re going to contact the prison and you’re going to get your father to help us. And if you don’t, we’re going to start hurting Chloe. Or maybe we’ll hurt the survivors from the depot. We’ve got a few of them here—I’m sure you’ll be happy to see them.”

“I can’t be the only one who can help you,” Layla said softly.

“Take Chloe back to her room,” Elias commanded. “Allow me to be honest with you, Layla. No one knows where your father is. He’s in a prison somewhere in North America under Avalon control. There are no human prisoners there, and none of the prisoners have a name; they are merely a number. Not even the agent who took him there knows the number assigned to your father.

“Only four people have ever known how to contact that prison. The agent in charge is one, and their boss, the director of the east coast LOA office, makes two. Frankly, going after either of them is opening a can of worms we can do without. Your mother was another, but she died before we managed to get hold of her. And the last is you. I know you know the prison’s phone number because I’ve seen the list of contact names for your father. It’s the only thing we could find with his name on it that pointed us toward you and your mother.

Steve McHugh's Books