A Glimmer of Hope (The Avalon Chronicles #1)(111)

My wife is always the first person I need to thank. Whether she’s being a sounding board for story ideas, or trying to keep our children occupied so I can get some work done, nothing would get done without her help. I love her very much, and even if the dedication isn’t to her, every book is because of her.

My three beautiful daughters, who inspire me to lock myself away in my office every single day and hope they don’t find me. I write because of them, I write for them, and they are the reason I first sat down years ago and decided to give this whole writing lark a proper shot. Can’t thank them enough for that.

My friends and family, who are supportive and impatient in equal measure—supportive about my writing, but impatient to read what I’m writing. I thank you all for your kindness.

To Paul Lucas, my agent, and someone I’m proud to call a friend. To have someone as awesome as him in my corner is more than I could ever have hoped for.

To D.B. Reynolds and Michelle Muto. Two incredible writers and wonderful friends who have helped me become a better writer over the years. There aren’t enough ways to say thank you.

To Jenni Gaynor, my editor, and the person who makes me a better author, thank you for all of your hard work and patience.

A big thank you to my publisher and everyone there who works so tirelessly to help put this book together. A special shout-out to Alex Carr, who helped me tweak this book from its original idea, making it much better in the process.

To the Fleet Performance team, yes, you got a dedication, but I just wanted to say it was a pleasure to have worked with you all for so many years before leaving to write full-time. Kev Burman, Mark Dolan, Toby Wilkes, Andy Brown, Ash Newman, Steve Petzer, Ziggy Greenwood, and so many others who came and went over the years, and who all showed support and friendship when I was first starting out, and after becoming published for the first time. You’re a great bunch of people, and I wish you all the best.

And in a similar vein, thank you to Mark Duell and Torsten Richter, who couldn’t be two more different managers if they tried.

And to everyone reading this, thank you for picking up the book. Whether this is your first time reading my work, or you’ve read everything I’ve ever published, I thank you for your time and money, and hope you enjoyed reading something I enjoyed writing.

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Layla’s story will continue in Book 2 of the Avalon Chronicles, due later in 2018.

In the meantime, Steve McHugh’s Crimes Against Magic—also set in the same universe as A Glimmer of Hope—is available now from 47North.

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Steve McHugh's Books