A Glimmer of Hope (The Avalon Chronicles #1)(101)


Six armored BMWs arrived outside of the mansion early in the morning, the noise of them waking Layla up. She quickly showered and got dressed, then ran downstairs, to be greeted by Tommy, who passed her some black body armor that covered most of her torso, along with pads for her elbows and knees.

They would be leaving Masako at the mansion, with several agents to keep an eye on her. Tommy was certain that, even if she did escape, she wouldn’t hurt any of his people. Layla didn’t believe it for a second, but as Tommy knew her better, she deferred to him.

“Not a request,” he told her, and she didn’t argue, instead walking off to get changed. Today would be the day her life became free of Elias. She would make sure of that. But Elias would be ready, she was sure of that too.

“It’s possible that these people will have guns,” Remy told Layla as she entered the living room after getting ready. Also in the room were Jared and Chloe, and all of them wore the same armor that she had been handed. “This armor is rune scribed. It’ll stop a few bullets and make sure that magic doesn’t tear you apart. We have a dwarf on staff who makes them.”

“You have a dwarf?”

“Yeah, a dwarf. As in Norse dwarf. They’re alchemists. It’s a long story, I’ll explain later. Anyway, he makes these things.”

“They’re life-savers,” Jared said. “Literally, in my case.”

“You got a minute?” Chloe asked. Layla nodded and the pair left the room, walking to the kitchen. “I just want to say that I know you said you were going to try to forget about what happened, but if anything goes south today, I want you to know that I never meant to hurt you.”

Layla grabbed her friend and hugged her. “Let’s just move forward. And nothing is going south, Chloe. We’re going to get Elias and drag his sorry, no-good, murdering ass back here.”

An hour later, Layla was in one of the armored vehicles with several of Tommy’s people. They were all silent as they contemplated what would happen next.

The tension and anticipation was almost too much to bear, and Layla wondered how people did this on a regular basis. The idea of driving toward what was sure to be a battleground wasn’t something she’d ever thought she’d entertain.

After driving into a section of woods bordering Elias’s property, the BMWs all stopped. Everyone got out, and Tommy beckoned them over.

“Right, this isn’t going to be a walk in the park. Elias is going to fight, as is Reyes, but they don’t have anyone else. Look out for traps and mines, and stay away from open spaces. We’re going to split into three groups, and each will take one side. Chloe, Layla, Remy, you’re with Kase and me. We’re going the shortest distance from trees to buildings. There are a few small rock formations that should give us cover if we need it, but don’t go crazy.

“From what we can ascertain the house has two floors, but there’s also a basement, so when you get in make sure you take the time to do a room by room search. Try to leave the basement for last; I don’t want anyone getting trapped down there.”

“Any info on fighting a fully powered redcap?” Chloe asked. “I fought him when he was seriously underpowered last time.”

“Yeah, he’ll be much stronger, faster, more able to heal. My advice is don’t get anywhere near him, at least not alone. He’ll be as strong and fast as I am. If he engages any of you, run. Trying to be a hero will get you dead.”

He took a moment to look at each and every person there. “Take it slow and steady. There’s no rush. These assholes aren’t going anywhere. You’ve all got five minutes to get into position, then we go together.”

The three groups moved off toward their assigned areas, while Tommy took a moment to talk to everyone who remained. “We’re going to move up toward the rocks over there. Layla, you’re going to have to get Elias’s attention. I need him focused on us, not on those people about to rush the house. There’s no way both of them can focus on all three groups.”

Layla nodded and the group set off toward the side of the manor house, pausing momentarily at the edge of the tree line, before sprinting across the grass toward the first rock formation. They jutted up from the ground every few dozen feet, but that still left several feet of exposed ground to cover. Layla knew that if Elias or Reyes were using any kind of rifle, it wouldn’t be a difficult shot for someone to make.

After making it to the sixth rock formation, Layla motioned for everyone to wait, and stepped out from behind it. It was maybe five hundred feet to the house, and she wanted to know if Elias was watching. But when nothing happened, she motioned for everyone to keep going, and they ran toward more rock formations.

“This is easier than I’d expected,” Remy said. “I like it easy.” He paused. “Don’t you say a word, Kase.”

Kase smiled and mimed her lips being zipped shut.

Layla looked over at the second group, who were running toward the rear of the manor, while Chloe looked toward the first, who were going toward the front.

An explosion made the ground shake, and everyone dropped to the ground.

“The front assault group is scattering for cover,” Chloe said. “Mines. They’re going to have to go through slowly, leaving them sitting ducks. We need to get Elias’s attention.”

Steve McHugh's Books