A Father's Name(60)

Tyler was honest…when he said something. But he seemed as happy not to say anything at all.

And that was getting old, very, very fast.


TUCKER HAD GONE ON MANY first dates over the years. They’d ranged from boring, to uncomfortable, to nice-enough. She occasionally went out with the nice-enough guys again, but never the boring or uncomfortable ones.

When she thought about it, Tyler was her longest relationship ever.

She grinned and decided not to mention that to him. He’d read too much into it and start his lecture about her capability to do better.

“Wow, Mom,” Bart said as she entered the living room.

She did a twirl then asked, “I look okay then?” The moment the question was out of her mouth, she realized how lame it was to require reassurance from her son.

He didn’t seem to notice the lameness as he answered, “More than okay…” then qualified, “for a mom.”

“Damned by faint praise.”

He laughed. “More than okay for about anyone.”

She felt better. “Well, that’s nicer.”

“Hey, do you mind if Cessy comes over tonight while I babysit?”

“You’ve been spending quite a bit of time with Cessy Keller lately.”

“We’ve been friends for a long time. Since Aunt Eli and Zac got together.”

“Yes, you have. But…”

“Maybe we’re something more than friends now.”

The admission cost him—Tucker could see it. Although she didn’t know what to say. Way to go, sounded wrong, and being too pleased with his choice of girls would be misconstrued as lame, too. “Ahh…”

“It’s not easy,” he said quietly. “You’d think it should be. I mean, we’re friends and all. But it isn’t. And there’s college coming up in a few weeks.”

“Yes, college.”

“Being at separate schools would make seeing each other hard.” He shook his head, as if trying to talk himself out of it. “It’s a bad time for us to become exclusive.”

“But—” she started.

“Yeah, but.”

Tucker slapped a hand on his shoulder. “I’d like to say that things will get easier, but that’s a lie. Relationships are always complicated.”

“How do you know if a relationship is worth the complications?”

“You’ll know when it’s right.” She paused. “As for Cessy coming over, as long as her parents know you two are babysitting, I’m fine with that. To be honest, it’s a great idea having the two of you babysit. Kids are hard and if you do decide that a deeper relationship with Cessy is worth the complications, I don’t want it to get even more complicated by an unplanned pregnancy.”

Bart shook his head with a look somewhere between annoyance and amusement. “Mom, not again, I think I’m old enough to do without your little life lessons.”

“You’ll never be that old, Bart. And let’s face it, this isn’t a little lesson, but a big one. A baby changes everything.” She took his cheeks between her hands and made sure he was paying attention to her. She needed him to hear this. “I want you to understand that I don’t regret a single thing about having you so young. My life’s been enriched by you being in it. But I’m the exception. I had family to back me up. I had your Aunt Eli. I was so lucky. Not everyone is, though. And I want you to have a kid as wonderful as you are someday, but not now. So, don’t rush things, okay? And if you decide at some point—and I’m not talking about Cessy here—but when you make that decision, make sure you’re careful.”

“Mom,” he all but wailed. “I know about condoms and safe sex. We’ve had that discussion before, too.” Then he muttered, “No one else ever had life lessons like you insist on sharing with me.”

She shrugged and grinned as she mussed his hair. “What can I say? My life lessons are another way I say I love you.”

He grinned. “And that’s the only reason they don’t drive me completely insane. And as for Cessy, could we not mention this to the Kellers, specifically Aunt Eli, yet? We’re still figuring things out and you know, they’d all feel the need to have a say about it.”

“Sure,” she agreed.

Holly Jacobs's Books