A Dark Sicilian Secret(50)

Reaching the library on the second floor, Jillian wiped her now damp palms on the sides of her dress before opening the library door. “What do you want to know?” she asked.

“Everything,” he said as she stepped into the room.

She closed the door behind her before approaching his desk where he’d been typing something on his laptop computer. “But you know everything.”

“Do I, Jill?”

“Yes. I have no secrets. My dad’s a jerk. My mom’s weak. My sister’s dead. What else is there?”

“Then who, cara, is Anne? And Carol? And Lee?” He caught her expression and smiled grimly. “Yes, my wife of many identities. Who are you really?”

“How long have you known about the different identities?”

“Since yesterday. But I had suspicions before.”

She nodded. “Then you know everything…”

“I don’t know why, and I don’t know who you were before you went into the government’s witness protection program, but I have my suspicions.”

Jillian startled and he nodded. “I’d wager this castle that your father is linked to organized crime,” Vitt continued, “and I’d bet my Lancia that he’s a mob boss from Detroit, a man who confessed everything he knew to the FBI to save himself from going to prison.”

He smiled and gestured to the phone. “Now I just need you to confirm it for me.”

She swayed on her feet. “I can’t, Vitt.”

“Can’t or won’t?”


“Then I will, and once I call them, and let them know you’re here with me, I’m confident they’ll tell me what I need to know—”

“They won’t.”

“Not even if they think you’re in trouble?”

She laughed. “God, no! They didn’t when Marco kidnapped Katie, so why would they do it for me?”

“Is that how your sister died?”

She made a low tormented sound. “The tragic thing is that they didn’t even want Katie. They wanted my father. But my father wouldn’t dream of sacrificing himself for anyone else, much less his daughter.”

“And so she died.”

“In a car bomb. Can you believe that? She thought she was free to go. She thought she’d escaped the danger. Instead they blew her up as she started her car.” Jillian dragged her fist across her face, rubbing away tears before they fell. “The police called it an accident. But everyone on the inside knew it wasn’t an accident. And so the government stepped in and Mom and Dad were moved to yet another location. I didn’t change my name, but I did change jobs, going from Switzerland to Turkey.”

“And it was in Turkey you met me.”

She nodded. “I thought you were perfect for me, too. Until I discovered who you were. So I ran. Just as I’ve been running for my life ever since I was twelve.”

He rose from behind his desk and went to her, caught her hands in his and drew her toward him. “You don’t have to be afraid—not here, not anymore.”

“I wish I could believe that. I really do.”

“Why can’t you?”

“Because bad things happen when we let our guard down. Katie let her guard down—”

“You’re not Katie,” he interrupted, lifting her hand with her wedding ring to his mouth and kissing her ring finger and then her palm. “You will never be Katie, and I promise that nothing will happen to you if you trust me. I can protect you. And my family will protect you. Always.”

Her gaze clung to his. She wanted to believe him, she really did, because she needed to believe in someone, needed to believe the world could be a good place, and a safe place. Her world had often felt very dark and harsh and cold and yet whenever she was with Vitt, she felt warm.

She felt safe.

“Kiss me,” she whispered. “Kiss me and make all these bad feelings go away.”

“That’s the smartest thing I’ve heard you say all day,” he murmured, lifting her face to cover her mouth with his. He kissed her slowly, deeply, lips drawing from hers an immediate and almost feverish response.

She needed him.

She needed him desperately.

For the longest time she’d felt as if she was drowning but maybe he could save her. Maybe he was strong enough, smart enough…

Hope blazed to life. Hope and heat kindling into hot desire.

Jane Porter's Books