A Cowboy in Manhattan(44)

She’d make sure she told him so later.

She turned back to Mandy. “That’s not why I’m leaving. I have to get back to work.”

“I suppose you do,” Mandy allowed, her voice tinged with sadness.

Caleb pulled a cell phone out of his pocket. “I’ll get Seth and Abigail up here. The least we can do is have a farewell barbecue.”

On the back deck of his ranch house, Reed stood to one side, watching Katrina laugh with her two sisters. She seemed more relaxed on the ranch than she’d ever been, but, ironically, she looked even more untouchable. She’d showered, as they all had, and she’d changed into a simple, clingy, white knit dress. Her legs were bare, and she wore her navy suede ankle boots with a looping, blue-beaded choker and matching earrings.

Her hair was swept up in a wispy blond knot, and her face all but glowed with carefully crafted makeup. Her eyes shimmered a sexy deep blue in the waning light. If somebody were to snap a picture, there wasn’t a doubt in his mind it would make the cover of Elle or Vogue.

Still, he couldn’t help but wish she was back in that ugly old boxy T-shirt, in the line shack, in his bed.

Caleb appeared beside him, and Reed shifted his attention to the river.

“I hear you’re building a house,” said Caleb, handing Reed a cold bottle of beer.

Reed accepted it. “You heard right.”

“Been planning it long?”

“Working on the drawings for a couple of years now.”

Caleb nodded.

“Waylon Nelson,” Reed told his brother into the silence.

“Come again?” asked Caleb.

“You should hire Waylon Nelson.”

“Who is he and why would I hire him?”

“Ranch manager,” said Reed.

Caleb straightened in obvious surprise. “You read the résumés?”

“I told you I would.”

“I thought you were lying to get me off your back.”

“I was. But I changed my mind.”

“Good. Good. That’s great. Waylon Nelson. Okay. I’ll take another look at him. But if he’s got your vote…”

“He does. Hire him now.” Reed took a swallow of the beer. “Right now.”

Caleb’s eyes narrowed in obvious confusion.

Reed allowed his gaze to return to Katrina. “You’re going to need the help. I’m heading to New York City.”

Caleb’s head snapped up, and he turned to stare at Katrina. Then, immediately, his attention went back to Reed. He stepped up close, voice lowered to a hiss. “You didn’t.”

Reed lifted his brow in a question.

“You slept with Katrina?” Caleb accused. “You slept with Mandy’s sister? What is the matter with you?”

Reed stared straight into his brother’s eyes. “A, I wouldn’t tell you if I had. And B, that’s not why I’m going to New York City.”

“Then why are you going to New York City?” Caleb demanded, clearly convinced his suspicions were correct, and clearly still loaded for bear.

Reed kept his gaze steady. “I’m a young single guy with fifteen million dollars to spend. There’s a long list of good reasons why I’m going to New York City.”

And on the top of that list was Quentin Foster.

Caleb backed off ever so slightly. “You’re looking for business investments?”

“Maybe,” Reed allowed, though the possibility was exceedingly slim.

“You need Danielle to meet you there? I can call her.”

“How about I call Danielle if I need her?”

“But you will call her.”

“If I need her.”

“Don’t go signing anything without her,” Caleb warned.

“I’ll be fine.” Reed could sign his fist into Quentin Foster’s malicious, conniving nose without any assistance from Caleb’s lawyer.

“Why don’t you take the jet?” Caleb offered.


“You can drop Katrina off.”

“No problem.”

Reed supposed a better man would feel guilty about misleading his brother. But he hadn’t technically lied. Whether he’d slept with Katrina was none of Caleb’s business. And Reed certainly wasn’t heading for New York City in the hopes of having a fling with her.

Barbara Dunlop's Books