A Cold Dark Promise (Cold Justice #8.5)(23)

“She’s not going to go willingly,” Jane warned. Alex watched her as her teeth started to chatter. She was genuinely terrified, and he wished there was another way. He couldn’t think of one that wouldn’t leave the weapon or the kid vulnerable.

“I won’t hurt Taylor, but I’m not drugging a child,” said Alex. But he might scare her. There was no way to prevent that.

“What’s to stop Masook from dragging Jane onboard and beating the crap out of her?” Reilly asked with his arms crossed over his chest.

Alex blinked. Reilly had never balked at a plan before. Then Alex got it. The usually professional, unflappable bodyguard had developed feelings for Jane. But Alex’s plan wouldn’t put her in real jeopardy. As long as everyone did their job she’d be fine.

“You are. Pretend to be a tourist taking a walk. Step in if Masook turns threatening.”

Jane exchanged a look with Reilly and Alex noticed her expression soften when she took in the former Green Beret.

As a man due to get married in a few days’ time, Alex wasn’t about to get in the way of a budding romance, but he also didn’t want to fuck up this op. There were too many people he cared about involved, in addition to the presence of an unspecified bioweapon and a child.

He checked his watch. “Wheels up in thirty minutes. Frazer, talk to Matt and tell him what’s going down. Get Scarlett up here pronto. Everyone else, gear up.”

“Aye aye, Captain,” Frazer said cheerfully.

“Ashley. I want every piece of information we can get on the whereabouts of each of these players. Let’s see if we can use street cameras for real time surveillance and track cell phones to fix locations until we get eyes-on. Can we talk to Langley and get some additional resources on this?”

Killion nodded and started dialing. “I’ll ask.”

Alex checked his weapon.

Frazer threw him a flak-jacket. “Put that on.”

Alex made a face.

“I need to get you to the altar without any missing pieces or 9mm body piercings. Everyone wears body armor,” Frazer said loudly. “French police will step in to make the arrests. As soon as Alex gets the weapon and girl off the boat Interpol calls in the cops. Even if Masook is warned at that point he can do very little about it, except run.” Frazer eyed Alex. “Perhaps it would be an idea to stop by the helicopter and make sure it can’t take off?”

“What about the Russian’s machine?” Ashley asked.

“Pilot just went to refuel,” Logan said. “Think Interpol could figure out an excuse to make sure the roundtrip lasts longer than necessary?”

Frazer nodded. “I’ll call my contact.”

“That contact better be solidly on our side,” warned Alex. Just call him cynical, but he’d been in the business long enough not to trust any unknown factors.

“I guess we’ll find out,” Frazer said cryptically.

“Here goes nothing.” Alex stood. As much as he wanted to call Mallory he didn’t. He needed to focus on the mission.

Chapter Thirteen

Jane’s hands shook as she pulled off the pale-blue t-shirt she’d been wearing and reached for a long-sleeve, black t-shirt Ashley Chen had lent her. As excited as she was at the thought of seeing Taylor again, she was also terrified. Of Ahmed. Of the possibility Taylor would reject her, and she’d be forced to drag a screaming child away from the only parent she knew. No way in hell was Jane leaving Taylor with a man who trafficked weapons and indiscriminate death. Jane took a couple of deep breaths, fighting panic, trying to steady herself.

There was a rap on the door and, without waiting for an answer, Jack Reilly strode in, then stopped short. Ignoring the fact she was in her underwear, he closed the door quietly behind him. He held a plate with a sandwich on it.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

She nodded, her insides a mix of anticipation, sickly trepidation and downright fear. She was such a coward.

“You need to eat.” There was the ever-present glass of water, which he held out to her.

Her throat felt like sandpaper, but she couldn’t face eating or drinking anything. She turned away. “I can’t.”

She awkwardly pulled the t-shirt over her head. The material was tight and clingy, and she was apparently larger than Ashley Chen in the chest department. It felt more like a compression bandage than an item of clothing. Jane rolled the stretchy fabric down over her sports bra and looked up, surprised to find Jack’s eyes on her body with a glint in their depths that was far from clinical or professional.

They’d spent a lot of time together over the last few days, and she’d enjoyed it more than she’d expected. Since he’d rejected her sexual overtures they’d just hung out. But, right now, his eyes told her he wasn’t indifferent to her as a woman. Which meant he’d been telling the truth—he didn’t mix business with pleasure.


Now it was too late. After they got back to the States she doubted she’d see him again.

She stepped into a pair of her own black pants and zipped up. Sitting on the edge of the bed she pulled on black socks then black boots. She looked like a cat burglar, or one of the operatives outside.

“This is not what I wear. He’ll know something is up if I turn up dressed like Cat Woman.” She shook her head, disgusted with herself, and dragged the top off. She stalked to her suitcase and started rooting through her clothes.

Toni Anderson's Books