A Changing Land(152)

Do you think Claire makes the right choices in A Changing Land? In what ways is she different to Hamish’s first wife, Rose?

Lauren and McKenzie each have their own agendas throughout the course of the novel. Did you feel empathy for them at the end of the novel? Why?

Do you agree with Anthony’s decision not to tell Sarah immediately of his development plans? Discuss.

Consider the role animals such as Bullet, Ferret and the fox play in A Changing Land.

What significance does the tortoiseshell hair comb play throughout the novel?

To what extent do you blame Maggie Macken for the events that unfold in A Changing Land?

What do you make of Luke’s feelings for his stepmother? Do you think Hamish is aware of these feelings?

The spirits that roam Wangallon are tied to it for many reasons. Discuss.

The author uses an interwezaving narrative involving different timeframes in this work. Why do you think she chose to write the novel in this way?

Nicole Alexander's Books