Zero Day (John Puller, #1)(30)

She stared at the money. “How about 0700 again. Juliet.”

“I’ll be there at 0600. Any chance I can get the Reynoldses’ laptop and briefcase tonight?”

“It’s technically evidence.”

“It technically is. But I can tell you that there are folks back in D.C., and not just the ones in uniform, who are very anxious to have those items back.”

“Is that a threat?”

“No. As I alluded to before, I don’t want you inadvertently to do something that’ll get you in trouble later. I can tell you that anything not classified and having to do with the investigation will be turned over to you.”

“As determined by who?”

“The appropriate parties.”

“I’d like to determine that for myself.”

“Fine. Do you have Top Secret or SCI clearance?”

She moved a strand of hair from her face and glowered at him. “I don’t even know what SCI means.”

“Sensitive Compartmented Information. It’s a bitch to get. On top of that the DoD has SAPs, or special access program clearances. Reynolds was fully charged with TS/SCI and SAPs for his compartment and program areas. Consequently, if you try and access the laptop or check the colonel’s briefcase without proper authorization you could be charged with treason. I don’t want that to happen and I know you don’t. I realize all these acronyms probably sound stupid, but people in the government arena take them very seriously. And the consequences of running afoul of these parameters, even by accident, are pretty severe. It’s just a big headache you don’t need, Cole.”

“Strange world you operate in.”

“No disagreement on that.”

All around them the good folks of Drake were shooting curious glances in their direction. Two suits in particular were taking a special interest. As was a table of four beefy guys outfitted in corduroy pants and short-sleeved shirts that showed off their burly arms. One had on a Havoline cap. Another wore a dusty cowboy hat with a sharp crease on the right side. A third quietly drank his beer and studied the air in front of him. The fourth, smaller than the rest, but still weighing in at about two-ten, watched Puller and Cole via a large mirror on the wall.

Cole moved her gaze to look at the cash. “The police station is only—”

“Three minutes from here, like everything else.”

“Actually it’s about eight.”

“Can I get the stuff?”

“Can I trust you?”

“I can’t make that decision for you.”

“So maybe I can.” She put some dollars down to pay for her share of the meal.

“I think my cash covered them both with a tip,” said Puller.

“I don’t like owing people.” She rose. “Let’s go.”

Puller left his money right where it was and followed her out as the town of Drake continued to stare.



THEY WALKED down the street. The few people there stared at Puller and his blue jacket with the gold CID lettering. It didn’t faze him. He was used to being the outsider. He only showed up in towns like this when something bad had happened. Nerves were tight. People were often dead by violent means. A stranger snooping around just added to the misery, the suspicion. Puller could deal with all that, but he also knew there was at least one killer out there, probably more. And something told him they were still here. Maybe a mere three-minute walk away from here, like everything else. Except the police station.

Cole nodded to some of the passersby, and said hello to one old woman using a walker to slowly amble along. The woman said in an admonishing tone, “Young lady, you haven’t been to church in a while.”

“Yes, Mrs. Baffle. I’ll do better.”

“I’ll pray for you, Sam.”

“Thank you. I could use it, I’m sure.”

As the woman shuffled on Puller said, “Small town?”

“With all its thorns and rose petals,” she replied.

They walked some more.

Cole said, “At least we know whoever killed the Reynoldses wasn’t after his military stuff. Or else they would have taken the laptop and briefcase with them. Maybe that rules out the spy angle.”

Puller shook his head. “You can download a laptop’s hard drive onto a flash drive. So you don’t have to take the hardware. Did you happen to see if anything was in the briefcase?”

She feigned astonishment. “My God, Puller, and me not having an SCI or an SAP? I wouldn’t think of it. I could be charged with treason.”

“Okay, I deserved that. But did you see anything?”

“It was locked with a combo code. I didn’t want to break into it, so it’s in pristine condition.”

Keeping his gaze straight ahead he said, “Someone’s on our seven. Last three blocks. Twenty meters back.”

Cole kept her gaze straight too. “Could be they’re going in the same direction we are. What do they look like?”

“Older man in a suit. Twenty-something big guy in a cutoff shirt with a tat sleeve down the right arm.”

“Walking together?”

“Appear to be. They were in the restaurant eyeballing us the whole time, but from different tables.”

David Baldacci's Books