Zero Day (John Puller, #1)(124)

“Can I take the top off or will I get blasted by radiation from the plutonium?”

“How heavy is the top?”

Puller pulled on it and then tapped it. “Not that heavy.”

“So probably no lead lining or other shielding. The plutonium should be completely surrounded by the explosives and a tamper/pusher and maybe another layer or two that will shield you. And we know there’s a tungsten carbide neutron reflector in there. That thing is super-dense. You should be okay.”


“Best I can do, bro.”

Puller drew a long breath and motioned for Cole to step back. She did. He tugged. The lid came up. He was not hit with a blinding blue light.


“I’m good. I’m not glowing. I take that as a positive sign.”

“Do you see a timer?”

Puller glanced up at Cole, who shrugged and managed a smile behind her mask.

Puller said, “Do they really use timers on this stuff?”

“It’s not for melodramatic effect like in the movies. It has a very real purpose. The conventional explosions have to go off exactly at the same time or a hole in the shock wave will be created and the pit will escape through that. Then you get that fizzle, like we talked about before, bro.”

Puller poked around the box. He uncovered a group of wires and saw it.

“Okay. Got it. That must be the light we saw come on earlier. This sucker must have an internal power source because there’s no juice in here.”

“What’s the timer at?”

“Sixty-two minutes and counting.”

“Okay,” said Robert. “Wires?”

Cole was holding a strong light over the box, illuminating it for Puller. His latest-generation goggles allowed him to see clearly even in lighted conditions.

“A bunch,” said Puller. “They were covering the timer. Should I try and cut some of them? Maybe it’ll stop the countdown.”

“No. Chances are excellent that they’re booby-trapped. If you’re looking at twenty wires, only three of them mean anything. That’s a common ruse in conventional bombmaking, and the same rule, we can assume, holds true for pseudo-nukers. You cut any of the fakes it’ll probably accelerate the timer to zero and you can kiss your ass goodbye.”

“Okay, will not cut wires,” said Puller firmly. It was oppressively hot in here to begin with and the hazmat suit made it hotter still. His mask kept fogging up and he would use his forehead to clear it, which didn’t work so well, since that was the primary source of the sweat. He finally just ripped the mask off, wiped his eyes with his hands, and put his goggles back on.

“The initiator will be in the dead center of the sphere,” said Robert. “That floods the pit with neutrons during detonation. The gold foil that was found at the crime scene was probably used as a layer between the beryllium and polonium as we postulated before. The plutonium will be shaped like a ball around that. The tamper/pusher will be around the plutonium. The pusher increases the shock wave hitting the pit. And the tamper helps hold the pit from blowing apart too quickly to maximize your yield.”

“Okay, Bobby, I don’t need a lecture on every little thing.”

“I guess I’m just trying to make sure I still know what I’m talking about,” said his brother slowly.

“Don’t second-guess yourself. You know this stuff. You’re a genius. Always have been.”

“Okay, the explosive lenses form the outside layer. You should be able to see the lenses. Like faces on a soccer ball. They’re carefully shaped explosive charges. Almost like a work of geometric art. Do you see them?”

“I see them.”

“How many?”

“A lot.”

“How are they arranged?”

“Pretty seamlessly.”

“No gaps?”

“None that I can see.”

Puller heard his brother let out a breath. “Somebody knew what they were doing.”

“What the hell does that mean for me?”

“If they manage to compress the chain reaction long enough, the bomb yield will rise exponentially, like we discussed. And from your description it looks like they were pretty sophisticated in their design.”

Puller checked the timer. It was at fifty-nine minutes, twenty-seven seconds.

“How do I turn this thing off, Bobby?”

“John, you can’t actually turn it off.”

“Then what the hell am I doing here?” Puller barked so loudly that Cole jumped and almost dropped her light.

“There’s really only one way to do it,” Robert said in a calm tone. “We have to screw up the detonation. The lenses are seamless now, but if we throw off the timing of the detonation we can cause a fizzle.”

“So how do I do that?”

“We throw off the detonation sequence by adding one of our own.”

Puller looked up at Cole in dismay. “So you’re telling me that in order to beat this thing we have to detonate it? Is that what the hell you’re telling me?”

“Pretty much, yeah,” said Robert.

“Shit,” muttered Puller. “That’s really the only way?”

“If there was another, I’d tell you.”

David Baldacci's Books