Wild Knight (Midnight Empire: The Tower #1)(65)

The king eyed my satchel. “I understand you’ve brought us more than our daughter.”

I opened my satchel and retrieved the stone. “As requested, Your Majesty.”

The queen accepted it with a warm smile. “It will look lovely next to the other one. A matching set is always preferable.” She glanced at her husband. “Isn’t it, darling?”

She acted like they were bookends when she knew exactly how much power they packed. Did she think I didn’t know or that I was too afraid to call her bluff? I mean, I was afraid, but it was still insulting.

“Your cooperation and loyalty to House Lewis has been noted.” The king angled his head. “Pay the lady her fee, Nigel.”

Yes, pay the lady before she glows silver in the middle of the palace and signs her death warrant.

A vampire stepped out of the shadows with a pouch and handed it to me with a slight bow.

“Thank you,” I said. The bag was dense and I could feel the weight of the coins as I tucked the pouch into my satchel.

“Nigel will escort you out,” the queen said.

“Not yet.”

I turned to see Davina enter the room. In a yellow dress that brushed the floor and her golden hair in a French twist, she looked like a very different vampire from the one I’d met in the chapel.

“You didn’t think you could come here without greeting me, did you?” Davina demanded, although she sounded more cheerful than angry.

Queen Imogen’s gaze dropped to the floor. “Davina, darling, what have I told you about walking on the palace floors in bare feet?”

Ignoring her mother’s reprimand, Davina hurried across the room and engulfed me in a hug. She was remarkably strong for someone who looked and acted like a princess. I stood there awkwardly with my arms squeezed against my sides and looked down to notice her pink painted toenails. I wasn’t much of a hugger on any occasion, but I felt even more uncomfortable when the one hugging me was a vampire. The illogical part of me worried Davina would somehow sense my identity via osmosis.

“From now on, we’re hiring you for all our knightly needs,” she declared. “Isn’t that right, Father? Mother?”

I stifled a laugh. I fully intended to add ‘knightly needs’ to my business card.

“I’d release her before she perceives you as a threat,” another voice said, this one familiar and oh-so-intoxicating. “Trust me, you won’t like the response. I’ve seen what she’s capable of.”

Callan swaggered into the room. Did he have to look so…so…? He flashed his fangs a reminder of who and what he was. There. That helped.

“Callan says you fought well,” the king said. “You have no idea what high praise that is.”

“The highest,” Davina added.

The king regarded me. “How would you feel about a permanent post? I could use someone with your skills at Hadrian’s Wall.”

Hadrian’s Wall? He wanted to send me north to be the first line of defense against raids from House Duncan?

The prince seemed to share my sentiment because he chuckled. “Her presence here is far more effective than at Hadrian’s bloody Wall.”

“Now that we’ve lost Victor, we could use someone skilled there,” the king replied.

“Victor’s death was unfortunate but unrelated to his post. Our knight’s talents are best utilized here in Britannia City,” the prince insisted. “Besides, my father is no threat to you while I live.”

“I appreciate the offer, Your Majesty, but I have no interest in relocating. I have a life here.” Small and manageable, just the way I liked it.

“If you change your mind…” King Casek began.

“She won’t,” Callan interjected. “She’s very stubborn, as I’ve learned.”

The queen smiled. “In that case, I’m surprised you both made it through the ordeal unscathed.”

Same, girl. Same.

Davina clasped her hands together and flashed two dimples. “You should come for supper next week. London deserves a royal meal. Wouldn’t you agree, Callan? She’s skin and bone. I don’t know how she manages to lift a weapon without injuring herself.”

I suppressed a shudder. As kind and unexpected as the offer was, I needed to distance myself from vampires now.

“There’s a fair bit of muscle in there too,” Callan added. “She hides it well.”

“Please don’t feel obligated to feed me.” There was no way I wanted to become a regular fixture at the palace. They were only nice to me now because I’d successfully completed a job for them. They were still vicious vampires at their cores. It wouldn’t take much for them to decide to execute me on the spot, especially if they decided I was a threat.

And I most definitely was.

My magic flared in response to my thoughts, producing a few flecks of silver on the skin of my hands. I quickly clasped them behind me and ignored the rapid beating of my heart.

“Leave her be, Davina. She’s a busy knight with more important considerations than which frock to wear to dinner.” Maeron peeled himself off the wall. I hadn’t even noticed when he entered the room. He must’ve made himself invisible until now.

Davina glowered at him. “You make me sound silly. You know I have loftier ambitions than food and fashion.”

Annabel Chase's Books