Wild Knight (Midnight Empire: The Tower #1)(25)

“I’ll go with you if you want,” Kami said, in a way that suggested she’d rather not but she was too good a friend not to offer.

“No. It’s my mess. I’ll handle it.” I made a clicking sound and Trio loped forward to follow me. “See you later.”

The Pavilion was only a block and a half away. I’d settle the dog in and make it home in time for a bath before bed. If I ended up cutting it too close to bedtime, I’d shower instead, but I really wanted the bath tonight. I wanted to scrub all traces of vampire interaction from my body.

Treena was still on duty when we entered the building. She didn’t seem thrilled to see the return of the three-headed dog.

“What happened? Did she bite someone?”

“Nope. We offered her a job in exchange for food and shelter.”

Treena’s eyebrows lifted. “Here?”

I scratched behind her closest ear. “She’s your backup.”

“Why do I need backup? I have an entire banner of knights and their armory behind me.”

“Not when the building’s closed. Trio’s going to be here all the time.”

“What about walks? Won’t she need to do her business?”

“She’s got the bladder of a camel.” I had no idea if that was true, but I really wanted that bath and the longer I argued with Treena, the less likely the bath would happen.

“Three mouths and one bladder? I find that hard to believe.”

Damn Treena and her common sense.

“I think I need to run this past Minka.”

I smiled. “She objected.”

“I figured.”

“She was also outvoted.”

Treena popped a hand on her ample hip. “Let me guess. You, Kami, and Stevie said yes.”

I wagged a finger at her. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were psychic.”

I started forward but Treena held out an arm to block me. “I’m going to need the approval in writing from Minka. Sorry, London. It’s in the rulebook. If I let you leave this monster here, I’m risking my job.”

“There’s a rule about hiring three-headed dogs as part of the security team?”

“Not specifically, but it would fall under the provision that addresses overnight guests.”

I swore under my breath. Minka knew there was a rule. That was the reason she didn’t fight harder.

I glanced at Trio. “I guess you’re hanging out with me tonight.” I had no idea how I would sneak the beast into my flat without anyone noticing, but I’d give it my best shot. I could turn invisible, but I couldn’t turn my companions invisible.

“I don’t have space for a permanent addition,” I told Trio as we left the Circus and headed toward Euston. “I can squeeze you in for one night though. Just try not to intimidate the others. They pretend to be tough, but they’re pretty fragile.”

I managed to usher Trio into the building and upstairs without incident. One of the reasons I chose this flat was because it was quiet and the neighbors kept to themselves. I introduced Trio to the menagerie and laid out the ground rules. The animals knew what would happen if they picked a fight.

I turned on the bathtub tap and walked back to the kitchen to scrounge up food for my new guest, who was currently sprawled across the living room floor.

A knock on the door startled me. Whoever you are, now is not a good time.

I hurried to the bathroom to stop the water running. The tub was half full. I poured a few bubbles in and swirled them around.

The knocking continued. My visitor was persistent, I’d give him that.

I ran to the door and opened it about an inch. Not him. Her.

“Hey, Mona.”

“So sorry to disturb you, but the tenant in 3B swears he saw you leading a three-headed monster up the steps to your flat.”

I barked a laugh. “Three heads? How drunk was he?”

The landlord offered a timid smile. “I know it sounds absurd, but stranger things have been seen in the city and it wouldn’t be the first time someone claimed you brought an illegal animal into the building.”

Yeah. My reputation was questionable at best. Fortunately no one could ever prove anything so I managed to break dozens of rules without consequences. I realized that was nothing to be proud of, but there were times when I was willing to put my neck on the line and aiding helpless animals was one of them.

A low growl rumbled behind me.

Okay, aiding not-so-helpless animals too.

“All good here. Sounds like 3B made the most of happy hour earlier.” I tried to shut the door but Mona was quicker than she looked and wedged a wide shoe in the gap before I could manage.

“Would you mind if I took a look around? It isn’t that I don’t trust you. It’s just that I’d like to tell the tenant that I inspected the premises personally.”

“I would love to give you the grand tour.” I made a show of yawning. “But I am bone tired and I have an early day tomorrow. All I want to do now is take a bath and head to bed.”

“I completely understand. I had a warm cup of tea when his complaint came through. It will be cold by the time I get back to the first floor.” She grimaced. “There’s nothing worse than cold tea.”

Try accidentally swallowing the splattered guts of a basilisk.

Annabel Chase's Books