Until the Day I Die(97)

My agent, Amy Cloughley, listened to me pitch this to her over the phone and asked me some good questions that started me off on the right foot. Later, when things went off the rails (as they will), she had honest thoughts and practical solutions. Cory Johnson educated me on all things to do with tech and building an app and helped me make Jax a more realistic platform. Heather Lazare slogged through a rough early draft, sent copious notes, and spent hours on the phone helping me salvage the shiny bits. Alicia Clancy at Lake Union, a dream editor, was hands-on and encouraging at every stage. Shannon O’Neill helped me shepherd the book to its final form with her trademark grace, sharp eye, and humor.

As always, a shout-out to the regulars: My critique partners and general writer support, M. J. Pullen (who is one of the smartest people I know and always up for an emergency plot-fix meeting), Chris Negron (who offered invaluable tech expertise and insight into what it’s like to be a person who’s good with numbers, and didn’t mock me), and Kimberly Brock (provider of amazing retreats, hilarious stories, and chocolate). Becky Albertalli, George Weinstein, J. D. Jordan (who spontaneously designed Jax’s icon at one Happy Writers Hour), Ellie Jordan, and Jane Haessler. I am so thankful for each and every one of you. There were others who offered invaluable help: Elizabeth Maypoles (who helped me figure out Rhys’s scam, though she’s never done anything remotely bad in her life), Joy Garcia (who told me about hashes), Haley Herrmann (who gave me teen girl tips), Chelsea Humphrey, Rick Carpenter, Joanna Schuerman, the staff at Alessio’s, my Lake Union ladies and lads, the incredible, tireless LU team (thank you, Danielle Marshall! Thank you, Gabriella Dumpit!), the Calamity Dames—Kimberly Belle and Kate Moretti (for brainstorming and making this sometimes-maddening process so much more fun), Ashley Taylor (a constant emotional support), Mary Alice Kier and Anna Cottle of Cine/Lit, and the Tall Poppy Writers.

Most of all, I want to thank you, my readers, for making another book possible. You are the reason I write, the reason I dream up new ideas, write them down, and get them out into the world. Your encouragement, affection, and generous promotion mean the world to me. I wish I could name you all here, but, alas, I have not compiled that database yet. I love you all!

Finally, to my family: Richard, Nancy, Karen, Jim, Mom, Dad, Henry, Kathleen, Danner, Jennifer, John, and Katy (book launch party helper extraordinaire and the best sister in the world—thanks for your continued support!). Rick, Noah, Alex, Everett, as you know, I love you.

Emily Carpenter's Books