Trouble in Mudbug (Ghost-in-Law, #1)(89)
Sabine smiled. “Let the takeover begin.”
Maryse left the shop with a spring in her step. If everything could turn out so good for Sabine, why couldn’t it turn out that good for her? But the apparition just outside the shop door brought her up short. Maryse took one look at the guilty expression on Helena Henry’s face and knew something was up, and in a flash, she knew exactly what it was.
“You did that,” Maryse accused. “You created the image of Sabine’s parents.”
Helena shrugged and shuffled her feet. “Well, you weren’t exactly getting anywhere with that lame speech of yours, and I didn’t need you sinking back in to your former existence just because Sabine was stuck in hers.” Helena grinned. “Besides, I kinda like the nutbag, and I wanted her to be happy. Is that so bad?”
“I guess not. But making up visions of dead parents to fool a daughter is sort of low, even for trying to make someone happy. You’ve got to stop manipulating people, Helena. Even if you think it’s for their own good.”
Helena glared at her. “What do you take me for, a charlatan? I admit, I created the image, but the people were really Sabine’s parents, or the likeness at least.”
“But how do you know what they looked like?”
Helena shrugged. “I took a look on the other side, and there they were. I think they’re always close to her.”
Maryse stared. “You can look on the other side? Then why can’t you go there?”
Helena gave her a sad smile. “I tried, but they told me it’s not my time yet. Apparently, I still have some work to do here.”
Maryse smiled and shook her head. “You know, I never thought I’d hear myself say this, but I’m sorta glad you’re not going yet, Helena. I would have missed you.”
Helena nodded. “Of course you would. Not many have been graced with my stellar personality transformation like you have.”
Maryse groaned and pointed a finger at her as they walked down the sidewalk to Maryse’s rental car. “That is not an invitation to show up unannounced or to harass me over the television channel. Well…as soon as I actually have a television, and a house to put it in.”
Helena raised her hand as if taking an oath. “I promise I will not intrude without making an appointment. Although, I’ve already seen you naked, so I don’t know what else there is.”
“Because I plan on being naked with someone else. That is, if things work out.”
Helena grinned. “You know, I always did think Luc had a fantastic butt. I wouldn’t mind seeing it just once.”
“Helena!” Maryse cried, but the wily ghost walked through the wall of the not-yet-open beauty shop, making following her an impossibility.
Maryse headed to the parking lot and jumped in her rental car. She pulled out onto Main Street and drove through town, then merged onto the gravel road and sped toward the office, her mind whirling like a tornado. What if Luc’s interest in her had only been because of his job? What if he had only cared about her enough to not want her dead? Or even worse, what if the sex was so bad that he’d changed his mind?
Good God, the possibilities were endless.
She rounded the corner down from the office and saw Luc’s Jeep parked outside. There’s still time to change your mind. She eased her foot off the accelerator. You’re not even divorced from the first man who made you look like a fool. Do you really want to run that risk again?
The car rolled to a stop, and she stared at the Jeep once more, biting her lower lip. Was love really worth the risk? But then she remembered Luc’s face when he’d lifted her in the alley, his fear that she was hurt, then the utter relief when he realized she was okay. She remembered exactly how warm his arms felt wrapped around her and how the soft touch of his lips grazed her face. And she remembered her body’s response to him.
She pressed down the accelerator, and the car leapt forward. Definitely worth it.
Luc looked up in surprise when she walked in the office. “I thought you’d still be in bed,” he said.
“Or hiding in a closet?” she joked.
Luc smiled. “No, not you. Although that might have made things easier.” He studied her for a moment. “How are you doing?”
Maryse nodded. “I’m fine. I mean, overwhelmed on some things and still disappointed on others, but it will all pass in time. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.”
“Probably an accurate statement.”
Maryse pointed to the box of video cameras Luc was packing. “So I guess you’re clearing out, huh?”
“Yeah. I figured you wouldn’t need the security equipment anymore, and I sorta appropriated it without permission.”
Maryse smiled. “I bet. So how much trouble are you in?”
Luc shrugged. “More than I’d like and less than the boss-man would, I’m sure.”
Now or never. Maryse stepped closer to him. “And was it worth it?”
Luc locked his eyes on hers. “Definitely.”
Maryse took another step towards him, her body so close she could feel the heat coming off of him. “If you’d like to prove that statement, there’s still about ten minutes before the office is supposed to open.”
Luc’s eyes widened. “Are you sure?”