Tinsel (Lark Cove #4)(26)

“Don’t say that.”

She shrugged. “But it’s true. Or was. I don’t know. But I guess what I’m trying to explain is that in my family, I’m not the child my parents are proud of. I’m the one who makes bad decisions in husbands and friends. In life. My mom saying she is proud is . . .”


“Epic.” Sofia nodded. “It was nice to get recognized for something right for a change. And I needed it. I didn’t even know how much.”

Sofia slid off her stool and plucked the tiara from her head. Then she did something that nearly short-circuited my brain. Instead of walking over to put the tiara on the cocktail table, she danced.

Raising her arms above her head, she lifted to her toes. The muscles in her legs, those toned thighs and calves, bunched underneath her tight jeans. Her sweater rode up above her hips, giving me a glimpse of her belly button and the diamond jewel in its center.

On one foot, she spun in a graceful twirl, her hair whirling around her shoulders in loose curls that hung down her back.

One spin.

That was all she did. One spin and I was dizzy.

She set down the tiara on the table, like that spin midstep was as easy as walking, and came back to the bar and stood across from me.

She was so graceful. She was whimsical, like a fairy without her wings.

Add in that sexy navel piercing, her expressive brown eyes, and I was standing next to an enigma.

Every time I thought I had her figured out, she surprised me. Every damn time.

As Sofia approached, I snapped out of my stupor and dropped my eyes to my boots.

My fingers itched to pull up the hem of her sweater just to make sure I’d seen that piercing. But if I spotted it again, it would be impossible not to run my tongue over the gem. To suck it into my mouth and wet the warm metal on my tongue.

I closed my eyes, taking a breath and willing my blood to cool. One. Two. Three. I counted up to ten. Then backward to zero. When I opened my eyes, I expected to see Sofia watching me, wondering what the hell was my problem.

But she wasn’t in front of me.

She’d quietly climbed on top of the bar.

“What the fuck? Get down.” My heart stopped and my arms shot out to grab her. But she took a step away. “Sofia, get down.”

“I have to hang these up.” She wiggled the spirals of silver and gold foil in her hand.

“Let me do it.”

She waved me off. “I’m fine.”

“Be careful.” I stepped closer, keeping my arms out in case she stumbled and fell.

She rose up on her toes and taped a streamer to the iron beam that ran the length of the room. Sofia took a few steps, taped up another, then continued until she’d spaced them along the length of the bar.

The entire time, I followed her with my arms outstretched.

When the last one was hung, she smiled at her work and dropped her gaze to me and my arms. “I’m not going to fall.”

“You might.”

“Then you’d catch me.”

Without question.

I wouldn’t let her fall, not while she was here. I had no idea how I’d done it, but somehow in the last few days, she’d gotten that message too.

Sofia bent lower and held out her arms.

I stepped up, gripping her at the waist. Her hands dropped to my shoulders. And then she just fell forward, trusting that I’d deliver her safely to the floor.

Her chest dragged down mine as I lowered her. Her eyes stayed locked on mine the entire time.

The moment her toes touched the floor, I should have let her go and backed away, but my hands were glued to her hips. My fingertips dug in harder to her jeans, not wanting to let go.

“Thanks.” Her hands stayed on my shoulders.


Her lips were parted as she breathed. She hadn’t worn lipstick today, just a light-colored gloss that made them look wet.

I wanted to lick it off, clean those lips so the only thing on them was me.

Sofia let out a breath, and the words kiss me lingered in the air.

So I did.

I crushed my lips down on hers, hard. I moaned, letting the sticky gloss wet my lips and the softness of her mouth mold against mine.

Sofia gasped, wrapping her arms tighter around my neck. Her fingers dove into the strands of hair at my nape, digging her manicured nails into my scalp.

I loosened my grip on her hips so I could wrap my arms around her back, then I pulled her to me, smashing our bodies together. I slanted my head to delve deeper, my tongue exploring every corner of her mouth.

Her taste exploded in my mouth, her own flavor mixing with a hint of lime. It was as delicious as I’d expected. Better, even.

Sofia Kendrick was a sweet creature. The sweetest I’d ever tasted.

“More.” Sofia grappled at my shoulders, pulling us even closer.

I let my hands drift down to cup her ass, tilting my hips so she could feel the entire length of my arousal.

“Uh, are you guys open?”

The voice broke us apart. Sofia and I both panted. I shook my head, blinking furiously to get out of my lusty haze as I turned to the door. A man I’d never seen before was hovering just inside, looking awkward and ready to bolt.

“Yeah, we’re open.” I dragged a hand over my lips, wiping away the signs from our kiss and Sofia’s lip gloss. “Come on in.”

Devney Perry's Books