Tied Up by the Boss (Office Kink #2)(13)

Chapter Eight


I got into the office early, hoping to beat Morgan there. I guessed I just wanted to show him I could best him at something. It had nothing to do with wanting to actually see him. Not a chance.

But as I sat in the waiting area near Karla’s desk, I heard muffled voices down the hall. Could the cleaning crew be around? Trent’s office was down that way. Maybe I would wander over and say hello. Thank him for giving me a second chance.

Once at Trent’s office, I noticed his door cracked. There was movement inside. I heard more voices. Moaning and cursing.

The voices were coming toward the door and I quickly flattened myself back against a wall out of sight.

“I have to go, hon,” said someone that I knew. My brain ran through its Rolodex of men trying to place it.

“Dinner tonight? My place?” Trent asked.

I inched closer to the edge of the wall, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mystery man.

And right before my eyes, they were in each other’s arms, kissing like the world itself was ending.

Charlie and Trent.

Holy fuck.

I moved back and tried not to make a sound.

“Seven o’clock. I’ll bring Italian from that place you like on thirtieth,” Charlie said, and then there was a firm smack as if he spanked Trent.

I clapped a hand over my mouth. Oh god.

“Tease,” Trent replied, and they chuckled.

I watched as Charlie turned to stride down the hall toward the elevators.

Trent retreated to his office, clicking the door shut. I waited for the ding of the elevator signaling Charlie had gotten in. But I heard nothing. Suddenly the door of the stairwell squeaked. The sneaky bastard took the stairs.

Another minute passed as I made sure the coast was clear before sprinting back toward Morgan’s office. When I got to Karla’s desk, I was out of breath.

The elevator chimed and Morgan appeared. His brow furrowed, and he glanced at his watch. “I’m not late, am I?” He asked, heading toward me. “Why are you out of breath?”

I hesitated before answering. Did I tell Morgan about Trent and Charlie? Or did I keep it under wraps? This kind of information might be beneficial to me. What if Morgan already knew? Nah, he wouldn’t stand for that going on in the company. Would he?

I decided to hold on to it for now. But god, I wanted to tell someone. “I read my iPhone wrong. I thought I was late and ran up the stairs.”

He passed by me and unlocked his door with his card. He smelled incredible. Again. I followed him in, eyeing his toned shoulders and back in his finely tailored suit. Today, it was a rich chocolate brown tweed with leather elbow patches. Very professorial. His violet tie matched the scarf around his neck. He was busy removing the garment as he spoke.

“I read your analysis,” he said. Then he opened his briefcase. “Good work.”

I tried not to let my face betray my emotions. He liked my work. I smiled and cleared my throat to cover it. “Thank you, sir.”

He sat down and started up his computer. “Now about our team meeting this morning. I prefer you refrain from adding your input. Matter of fact, keep quiet.”

And there went my high. “How is that fair? After working on this research, I have information and ideas that could prove useful.”

“Maybe, but for this project, you’re only part of the team in as much as I say you are. You’re working behind the scenes. And today, you’re just there for support.”

“What the hell? Seen not heard, huh? This isn’t the 1800s and I’m not five!”

“No, you’re a contributing member, but you’ll only give your opinion when asked.”

“I don’t see the difference.”

“Parker.” He rolled his eyes at me.

It’s okay for him to roll his eyes, but not me? “This is idiotic. I can’t believe I have to sit here and take this.”

“You don’t have to take anything. You can leave right now for all I care. And go directly to Trent.”

Mother fucker! I gripped the armrest of the chair so hard I might have made a permanent impression. I exhaled and tore my gaze away from him. His eyes made me want to punch something. Mainly his face.

“Go cool off. If you’re not in the right mindset for this meeting, I’ll have you sit it out completely.”

My hands balled into fists, and I stood. “Dismiss me.”

“Dismiss you, what?”

“Dismiss me . . . , sir,” I said through my teeth.

He waited, making me crazy.

“Go. You’re dismissed.”

I nearly ran out of his office and straight into the bathroom to pound on the wall. The pompous asshole! Once my fists were sore, I went over to splash cold water on my face. I was burning up. I hung my arms over the bowl sink and breathed deeply. I wished I had a punching bag in my office. I needed something to take this out on. I wanted to break things, smash things, yell and scream.

I heard the door open and I froze, hoping it wasn’t Morgan. Or any of the execs for that matter.

“Hey man, didn’t expect to see you in here.”

It sounded like Ellison, our Director of IT. I lifted my head up to confirm it. Though he was technically an exec, and worked under the VPs, he had less in common with the rest of them. He had that shy, geeky vibe. “I was up here getting browbeat. I figured I’d stop in and chill.”

Hunter Frost's Books