This Side of the Grave (Night Huntress, #5)(74)

Vlad turned around, nailing me with a stare that should have backed me up several steps. It didn’t. I met his gaze with an equally hard one of my own. Hell no would I flinch or apologize when I knew I was right.

“You will understand sacrifice much better when you’re older” was what Vlad muttered after several loaded moments of silence.

“It’s not sacrifice if it doesn’t mean something, and if one friend’s life isn’t precious to you, then there’s no loss involved in offering it up,” I countered.

His gaze flicked to my right, where Mencheres watched the two of us with a hooded expression. If I judged him by past actions, I knew Mencheres was ruthless enough to agree with Vlad that the risk to Dave was acceptable without bothering to look at other options first. Hell, if he wanted to, Mencheres could force me to stay right here, waiting helplessly while Dave took that irrevocable step. One snap of his telekinetic power, and I’d be unable to move, let alone leave the house to get my friend.

Of course, one snap of my new, borrowed power and I could give Mencheres a whole new topic to ponder. I locked eyes with the Master vampire, seeing from the faint narrowing of his gaze that he knew what I was thinking. The scant space between us seemed to lengthen into a long, ominous road as we stared at each other across the room.

My fangs slid out, concealed by my lips, their sharp tips touching the edge of my tongue. One swipe and I could call forth Remnants with my blood, making both Vlad and Mencheres helpless to stop me from getting Dave. The question was, could Mencheres wrap his power around me fast enough to prevent that tiny movement? And more importantly, did I want to use the Remnants as a weapon against my friends, even if it was to help another friend?

After several moments, Mencheres gave me a slight smile, inclining his head. “The life of a friend is indeed too precious to risk unless it is a last resort. We will stop Dave from doing this while we explore other options.”

I still remained tense. Was this a trick? If I retracted my fangs, would Mencheres slap his power around me while smirking about how gullible I was?

Vlad obviously didn’t think it was a ploy. He let out a frustrated growl. “Kira’s made you soft.”

“She opened my eyes,” Mencheres coolly refuted. “And you, my friend, protest too much. Before you knew of her new ability, you could have snatched Cat away to kill her with adequate vampire and ghoul witnesses. Then Apollyon wouldn’t be able to refute her death. Bones would kill you afterward, and I myself would be furious with you, but your people would be protected and the war stalled. So if you truly believed the life of a friend wasn’t precious enough to protect, you wouldn’t be here scowling at me now.”

Vlad muttered something in a language I didn’t recognize. Whatever it was, it didn’t sound like “Well played, sir!” and the glare he threw the other vampire warned that Vlad might combust at any moment.

“Aww, who’s really a widdle softie on the inside?” I teased him, feeling some of the dread leaking out of me. It would be tough, true, but we’d find another way to bring down Apollyon, Scythe, and all the other hateful warmongers under them. Hadn’t Bones repeatedly told me in the past that there was always another way?

“Actually, Reaper, the thought of your death isn’t bothering me a bit at the moment,” Vlad ground out.

I ignored that. He could huff and puff all he wanted, but Vlad kept proving that he was only brutal when the circumstances required it. Despite his frightening reputation, loyalty was Vlad’s strong suit, not viciousness. I turned to Fabian, who’d stayed silent the past several minutes.

“First, we’re going to get Dave. And then”—I glanced at Mencheres—“you and I get to reunite with our spouses, because with Scythe and the gang pulling out of Memphis, there’s no reason for us to stay anymore.”

I’d gotten on both boots and was busy stuffing them—and other parts of me—with weapons when my hip pocket vibrated in a familiar way. I pulled out my cell phone, answering, “Yep?” without bothering to look at who was calling.


He only said my name, but something in Tate’s voice made me freeze as abruptly as if Mencheres had unleashed the full force of his power upon me.

“Is it Don?” I breathed, my chest tightening in a painful way. It can’t be. I just spoke to him a couple days ago! my denial screamed.

“Yeah,” Tate replied shortly, but his tone sounded as raw as I felt. “Go to the Marine Safety office in Memphis. A chopper’s waiting for you.”

I had to swallow twice before I could answer him. “I’m on my way.”

I hit end with fingers that felt nerveless, looking up to meet Mencheres’s dark, compassionate gaze. He’d obviously overheard the call.

“Go,” he said. “Vlad and I will retrieve Dave and meet you there.”

Vlad gave me a short nod of confirmation. I stopped piling on weapons and went upstairs. On the dresser was my red diamond ring. It was so distinctive that I hadn’t been able to wear it while out ghoul hunting, but I put it on now, taking comfort in its familiar weight. Then I grabbed the pet carrier. I knew I wasn’t coming back, and aside from my wedding ring and my cat, everything else was replaceable.

Chapter Thirty

You’ll get there in time.

Jeaniene Frost's Books