The Wrong Mr. Right (The Queen's Cove Series #2)(80)
I nodded, pulled the box cutter from my back pocket, and sliced the box open.
When I pulled out the feathery orb, Holden grimaced. He regarded the light like it was about to bite him before he sighed and took it from me.
I stifled my laugh. “Thank you.”
“Ohhh, pretty lights.” Avery appeared behind me with a potted plant with big leaves. She held it up. “Chinese evergreen. Dana at the garden store said this would be good for low light.” She tilted her head as Emmett walked in the door carrying another potted plant. “We have a whole bunch in the car.”
I beamed at them. “Thank you. Do you want to set them outside until we move the bookshelves back in?”
I led them outside as Max and Div turned the corner.
“Whoa.” Max stepped inside the store.
Div studied the newly painted storefront with a small smile on his face before nodding once at me. “Looks good.” His gaze swung to my hair. “And your hair does too, I forgot to mention that the other night.”
My fingers came to the ends of hair. My face was going to be tired tomorrow from all the smiling I did today. “Thanks.”
Div put his hands on his hips. “How can we help?”
“Connor flipped her onto her back and kneeled at her soaked entrance,” Emmett read in between bites of pizza as we collapsed in giggles.
“Jesus Christ.” Holden’s eyes were wide from where he scrutinized the sturdiness of the hanging chair in the window. “I thought this was a hockey book.”
It was just after nine at night and pizza boxes laid open on the floor. Avery and Emmett sat with their backs against the desk. Div and Liya lounged in the squashy blue chairs we had dragged to the main area. Holden tested his weight on the hanging chair and studied the mounting brackets. Max returned from the washroom and took a seat on the arm of Div’s chair. Sam and Elizabeth had called it a day once the last book was on the shelf.
“It’s hockey romance,” Liya told Holden, as if that explained everything.
The store was like a fairy dreamland greenhouse. Like something out of a book, just like I wanted but better because it was real. Twinkle lights sparkled along the top of the bookshelves. The rich brown of the cherry floors matched the trees in the wallpaper, and the soft lighting doused the store in a warm glow. Avery had placed viney plants near the hanging chair in hopes that the vines would grow up the support to the ceiling.
The Main Character chair, I had called it. People could sit there and feel like the lead in their own story. I hummed with bliss.
“‘I’m going to make my pretty little wife come hard tonight’, Connor growled, dragging a meaty finger through her wetness,” Emmett read. He took a bite of pizza, scanning the page. “Wow. This is a lot. Meaty.” He shook his head to himself.
Holden stared at Emmett in horror. Liya and Avery were laughing so hard they couldn’t breathe. Wyatt and I exchanged a grin. Even Div wore a little smirk as he wrote an email on his phone.
“‘Connor, please,’ she begged. He delivered a sharp slap to her quivering folds and she gasped with pain and pleasure.”
Avery let out a loud cackle and stuffed a piece of crust in her mouth.
“A sex slap? Oh my god.” Max shook his head at me. “You sell porn.” He looked to Div. “Are the straights okay?”
Div didn’t look up from his phone. “They were never okay.”
My face glowed red but I couldn’t stop laughing. “I’m so glad your parents left,” I whispered to Wyatt.
He cringed and shuddered.
Emmett turned a page. “Throbbing, thrusting, aching cocks, yada yada yada.” He turned another page. “Here we go. Connor roared as his orgasm raced through him and his engorged member sprayed seed like a firehose, all over his wife’s ample breasts.” He closed the book and regarded us all with a satisfied sigh. “What a scene.”
Holden’s eyes were huge with disbelief. “This is what women read?”
“And Don,” I added.
“Firehose?” he whispered to himself.
Wyatt cut him a look. “Romance makes people happy. Things aren’t dumb because women like them.”
“I didn’t say it was dumb.” Holden blinked and rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s just horny.”
“Women are horny, Holden.” Avery held up the pizza box. “Who wants the last piece of this one?”
Wyatt pulled me closer to him on the window bench. “How you doing?”
I rolled my lips. My face hurt from smiling so much today. “Great.”
He nodded, hot gaze searing me. “Great. You look happy.”
“I am. This place finally feels like…” I sucked in a breath, surveying everyone. “Mine.” Sitting here with Wyatt, I knew I was meant to be here in the bookstore. Like all the uncomfortable stuff I went through to make the changes was worth it. Like it was fate.
But I also couldn’t wait to get back to Wyatt’s place tonight.
“Are you tired?” he asked in a low voice.
I matched his heated gaze. “Not that tired.”
He smirked.
My phone buzzed in my back pocket. When I peered at the screen, my dad’s picture flashed.
Tension cracked my good mood and my spine went rigid.