The Wrong Mr. Right (The Queen's Cove Series #2)(109)
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Author’s Thoughts
Hello again, you beautiful romance reader, you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this book. I would love if you could rate or review it online.
Hannah hit close to home for me because in my twenties, I didn’t know what the hell I was doing in terms of sex. Neither did my partners! We were all fumbling around based off public school education and awkward discussions with parents. They didn’t explain the good stuff, you know? (And yeah, that would be kind of awkward if they did, but that’s also my sex-negative conditioning talking there). In sex ed, did they mention the clit once? No! So Hannah is kind of like me in my twenties. Confused about sex.
Then, I started reading romance. The sex in romance books isn’t always realistic, but it prioritizes women’s pleasure. I’m so confused when women don’t read romance. I’m like, how do you know how to have an orgasm?
This is a good part to mention that in my mid-twenties, a new boyfriend realized I had a tough time getting to the finish line, and bought me my first vibrator. What a champ. The relationship didn’t last but I will always remember and appreciate him for that. The world needs more men like that. A vibrator isn’t a competitor, it’s a team mate.
Shoutout to Dr. Brene Brown and Oprah for their podcast episode about vulnerability, which made me sob in my car and helped uncover Wyatt. The terror of losing something you love. I feel it every time I look at my partner, a guy I’ve talked to almost every day since I was twenty years old (we were friends long before we were together). I feel it when I hug my dog. When I’m laughing with my brothers or parents. Memento mori, right? Death is inevitable, so we need to lean in to those moments of joy while they’re here.
Thank you to friends Maggie North and Helen Camisa for reading an early draft and providing encouragement and insightful feedback. Both of you say all the smart things and I’m just over here furiously taking notes on how to be like you.
Thank you to Sandy for your surfing knowledge. You’re a rad feminist dude and I promise Carter is not based on you.
Thank you to editor Jeni Chappelle, for leading me in the right direction with your clever notes.
Thank you to Brett Bird and Alanna Goobie for proofreading. The enthusiasm you two have for romance books makes my heart happy.
Shoutouts to my soulmates, many of whom listened to me fret over this book and told me that like always, it was going to be okay. If it were up to Bryan Hansen, this book would be about Hannah Nielsen, Queen’s Cove’s first dominatrix. We’ll save that for her forties.
Thank you to Tim, who knows me far better than I know myself, and still loves the hell out of me. I feel lucky every day to have you.
Lastly, shoutout to you, dear reader, because I wrote this for myself, but I wrote it for you, too. Read what you love, wear whatever makes you feel gorgeous, and be brave with me.