The Wedding Party (The Wedding Date, #3)(31)

“What’s the campaign for?” Ben plucked the maraschino cherry out of Theo’s drink and ate it. He’d been doing that since they were kids. “The mayor doesn’t run for reelection until next year, does he?”

Theo always assumed Ben didn’t listen to a single thing he said about his job, and then he would say stuff like this that proved he’d been actually paying attention.

“You’re right; he doesn’t. This is a campaign for a statewide ballot initiative for universal pre-kindergarten in California. The mayor is a big supporter of it, as are the governor and a bunch of other elected officials around the state, so everyone wants to make a big push for it to win.”

Ben picked up a handful of cocktail nuts and tossed them in his mouth.

“Does that mean you’re dealing with a bunch of massive egos and trying to keep them all satisfied about the plans and the amount of attention they’ll get?”

Theo lifted his glass to his brother.

“Bingo. That’s exactly what I’m doing, and what the next five or so months are going to be like.”

Ben nodded and drained his glass.

“Well, at least this is something you care about. Did you tell Mom about this? She’ll be thrilled.”

Theo grinned. He had told his mom, and she had been thrilled.

“Yeah, she’s all over it. Wants to volunteer to help out and everything. Wait, did she tell you she’s going to Hawaii with Aunt Leslie in September?”

Ben nodded.

“Yeah, I talked to her the other day. She’s so excited about it.”

Theo reached for the cocktail nuts.

“I’m jealous. After the week I’ve had, a Hawaiian vacation sounds like a dream.”

Ben drained his glass.

“Well, you know what would make you feel better? If you got laid. One of the girls I work with was asking about you—Caitlin, she came to your birthday party last year, remember?”

Ah yes, just as he started taking his brother seriously, he would come out with something like that.

“No, I don’t remember her, and anyway, I’m doing okay without your setups, but thanks.”

Unfortunately, he had a feeling getting laid would make him feel better tonight, but that was more complicated than he wanted to get into.

“Oh, she’s hot—long black hair, really funny, great—”

Theo held up a hand to stop his brother.

“Oh my God, Ben, no thanks. If she’s so great, why don’t you date her?”

Ben shook his head.

“I have a strict no-women-I-work-with policy. I may be an asshole, but I don’t want to be that asshole.”

Theo cast his memory back to all of the varied women Ben had told him about.

“Is this a new policy? Because what about that girl you ran into during that earthquake drill at work that time?”

Ben shook his head.

“Nope, we didn’t work for the same company. She was three floors up.” He shrugged. “And she’s another reason why this is a good policy—we didn’t even work at the same company, and it was a nightmare after we broke up. I had to keep taking the stairs after that time I ran into her in the elevator and she yelled at me the whole way up.”

Theo laughed.

“Oh yeah, I remember that. Poor woman.”

Ben paused, his drink halfway to his mouth.

“Poor woman? Poor Ben! I worked on the seventh floor! That was a lot of stairs to climb up and down if I wanted to run out to grab coffee.”

Theo finished his drink, still laughing.

“Anyway, no, I don’t want to date your coworker. Things are complicated enough in my life right now as it is.”

Ben’s head snapped toward him.

“Complicated how? Other than work, I mean. There’s more to life than work, Theodore. Like, what were you doing last Friday night? At home getting work done, I bet.”

Last Friday night flashed through Theo’s head. That had been when Maddie had come over to celebrate getting a preliminary interview. She hadn’t left until a very good start to the next morning. He couldn’t keep the smirk off his face.

“Wait just a minute.” Ben pointed at him, his mouth wide open. “WAIT a minute. What is that look? Who is it? Why are you keeping this from your little brother?”

Theo knew he shouldn’t tell Ben. He would never be able to keep this to himself.

“No one. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Ben poked him in the chest.

“Stop lying to me. You know I know you’re lying. Tell me. Who is she? Where did you meet her? Why didn’t you tell me before when I was going on and on about Caitlin?”

Theo knew he should hold out, but a) he’d had too much bourbon at this point, and b) he was honestly dying to tell someone.

“Okay, fine, but you have to promise me you won’t tell anyone.”

Ben looked at him sideways.

“Why? Why is it such a secret? Is she famous or something?”

Theo shook his head.

“Just promise.”

Ben shrugged impatiently.

“Fine, fine, I promise, now tell me.”

Theo grinned.

“It’s Maddie. Alexa’s friend. You met her at my birthday party last year.”

Jasmine Guillory's Books