The Wedding Party (The Wedding Date, #3)(21)

She nodded.


He was so surprised he sat back.

“Really? You did?”

She nodded again.

“I did. After last time, I thought . . . I mean the way things ended, it felt like you hadn’t really . . .”

He shook his head and put his hand back on her breast.

“Oh God no. You thought last time I said we shouldn’t do this again because I didn’t want to do it again? Good God, it was the opposite.” He moved his hands back down her body. “I said that because I wanted to do it again and again and again, and I knew if I got another chance, I might not be able to stop.”

She closed her eyes and opened her legs wider.

“Mmm, well, we can talk about that later. But you know how you said we were going to go slow tonight?”

He moved on top of her again and bent down to kiss her.

“Yeah, what about it?”

She opened her eyes and looked into his.

“Can we speed it up a little? Because I want you inside me right now.”

Holy shit, well, when she put it that way.

He pulled up her knees and pushed himself inside of her up to the hilt.

Maddie grinned into Theo’s chest when his breathing got closer to normal. How did sex with him just keep getting better? It made no sense.

He dropped a kiss on her shoulder and stood up.

“You want some water?” She nodded and went off to the bathroom while he was in the kitchen.

He came back into the bedroom with glasses of water for both of them. She turned on the bedside lamp, and he turned off the overhead light.

“I like your sheets,” she said as she slid in between them.

He got in next to her and pulled her against them.

“I like you in between my sheets, so that’s perfect.”

She put her finger over his lips.

“Shhhh, the sex was so good, don’t ruin it.”

He laughed and turned off the light.

In the morning she woke up with her head on his chest and his arm around her. How the hell had she gotten herself into this situation yet again? And she was going to have to see him all the time now, for, like, the next year or more, depending on when Alexa and Drew’s wedding was, and try to keep her hands off him. This was going to be torture.

“Are you awake?” she whispered.

“Yes,” he whispered back. His fingers moved slowly over her hair, and she sighed. Damn it.

She sat up.

“We have to talk.”

He shook his head and didn’t move.

“Why did you have to say that? Those are the worst four words in the English language. It’s too early in the morning for ‘we have to talk.’ You can’t ‘we have to talk’ me before I’ve even started the coffee. That’s not fair. Come back here.”

He pulled her back down onto his chest, and she didn’t resist.

“Sorry, I know, I know.” She tried to relax against him, but she couldn’t. “But Alexa said last night that she asked you to be in the wedding.”

His fingers traced a pattern on her shoulder.

“She did. I’m going to be a bridesman! Wild, right?”

Oh my God, what was wrong with men? He was so cheerful and relaxed about this.

“I’m also in the wedding.”

She felt him nod his head.

“I assumed you were. And?”

She couldn’t take it anymore and sat back up.

“And? And that means that we’re going to be around each other all the time for the next—I don’t know how long! Doing wedding events and helping her with clothes or whatever and all the stuff with the wedding, and it’s clear that even though you irritate the hell out of me, and I assume I bug you, we can’t keep our hands off each other. What are we going to do?”

He sighed and sat up.

“I think we should stop fighting it. Stop pretending to ourselves—and to each other—that we’re not going to end up in bed together every single time we see each other, because I think we both know now that it’s going to happen.”

She threw up her arms. Why was he acting like this was such a simple and obvious solution?

“But why does it have to happen? We saw each other at Alexa’s parties for years and nothing like this happened until last summer!”

He folded his arms behind his head and lay back down.

“Why can’t you get a champagne cork back in a bottle once you’ve popped it? That’s how it was before; this is obviously how it is now. Are you really going to tell me it’s not true?”

She really wanted to tell him it wasn’t true, especially when he had that smug look on his face, but she couldn’t do it.

“I guess not, but . . .”

He got out of bed and pulled sweatpants out of a drawer.

“If you’re going to make me talk about this, we have to do it in the kitchen while I make coffee. Come on.” He threw her an oversize hoodie. “It’s cold in there.”

Maddie grumbled as she followed him into the kitchen. Was this why Alexa was friends with someone as annoying as Theo? Because he had the same obsession with coffee as she did? Maddie drank coffee every morning and all, but come on.

She stood in the corner of his freezing kitchen, her arms wrapped around herself, the hoodie covering her from shoulders to butt, and watched him fill up and turn on his electric kettle, grind and measure coffee, and then set up little cones full of ground coffee on top of mugs. This was the third time she’d been here for coffee in the morning, but the first time she’d really paid attention to the complicated way he made coffee. She’d been so distracted the other times, she hadn’t even realized he started by boiling water instead of just pushing a button on a coffee maker like a normal person.

Jasmine Guillory's Books