The Undoing Project: A Friendship that Changed the World(98)

The wonder was that Danny didn’t simply break off the relationship. By the late 1980s he was behaving like a man caught in some mysterious, invisible trap. Once you had shared a mind with Amos Tversky it was hard to get Amos Tversky out of your mind.

What he did, instead, was get Amos out of his sight, by leaving Berkeley for Princeton, in 1992. “Amos cast a shadow on my life,” he said. “I needed to get away. He possessed my mind.” Amos couldn’t understand this need of Danny’s to put three thousand miles between them. He found Danny’s behavior mystifying. “Just to give you a small example,” Amos wrote to Varda Liberman in early 1994, “there’s a book on judgment that came out, and in the introduction there’s a passage that says Danny and I are ‘inseparable.’ This is, of course, an exaggeration. But Danny wrote to the author to tell him that it’s an exaggeration and added that ‘we haven’t had anything to do with each other for a decade.’ In the last ten years we published five papers together, and worked on several other projects we never finished (mainly because of me). It’s a trivial example but gives you an idea of his state of mind.”

For the longest time, even as they went back and forth, the collaboration was over in Danny’s mind. And for the longest time, in Amos’s mind, it wasn’t. “You seem determined to make me an offer that I cannot accept,” Danny wrote to Amos in early 1993, after one of Amos’s proposals. They remained friends. They found excuses to get together and work through their issues. They kept their troubles so private that most people assumed they were still working together. But Amos liked that fiction better than Danny. He had hopes to write the book that they had agreed to write fifteen years earlier. Danny found ways to let Amos know that wasn’t going to happen. “Danny has a new idea how to get the book done,” Amos wrote to Liberman in early 1994. “We’ll stick together a few papers published recently by each of us, with no connection or structure. This strikes me as so grotesque. It’ll look like a collection of work by two people who once worked together and now cannot even coordinate chapters. . . . With the situation as it is I can’t find enough positive energy even to start thinking, let alone to write.”

If Amos couldn’t give Danny what he needed, it was perhaps because he couldn’t imagine having the need. The need was subtle. In Israel they’d each had a cucumber. Now Amos had a banana. But the banana wasn’t what was provoking Danny to hurl the cucumber in his experimenter’s face. Danny didn’t need job offers from Harvard or genius awards from the MacArthur Foundation. Those might have helped, but only if they altered Amos’s view of him. What Danny needed was for Amos to continue to see him and his ideas uncritically, as he had when they were alone together in a room. If that involved some misperception on Amos’s part—some exaggeration of the earthly status of Danny’s ideas—well, then, Amos should continue to misperceive. After all, what is a marriage if not an agreement to distort one’s perception of another, in relation to everyone else? “I wanted something from him, not from the world,” said Danny.

* * *

In October 1993 Danny and Amos found themselves together at the same conference in Turin, Italy. One evening they went for a walk, and Amos made a request. There was a new critic of their work, a German psychologist named Gerd Gigerenzer, and he was getting a new kind of attention. From the start, those most upset by Danny and Amos’s work argued that by focusing only on the mind’s errors, they were exaggerating its fallibility. In their talks and writings, Danny and Amos had explained repeatedly that the rules of thumb that the mind used to cope with uncertainty often worked well. But sometimes they didn’t; and these specific failures were both interesting in and of themselves and revealing about the mind’s inner workings. Why not study them? After all, no one complained when you used optical illusions to understand the inner workings of the eye.

Gigerenzer had taken the same angle of attack as most of their other critics. But in Danny and Amos’s view he’d ignored the usual rules of intellectual warfare, distorting their work to make them sound even more fatalistic about their fellow man than they were. He also downplayed or ignored most of their evidence, and all of their strongest evidence. He did what critics sometimes do: He described the object of his scorn as he wished it to be rather than as it was. Then he debunked his description. In Europe, Amos told Danny on their walk, Gigerenzer was being praised for “standing up to the Americans,” which was odd, as the Americans in this case were Israelis. “Amos says we absolutely must do something about Gigerenzer,” recalled Danny. “And I say, ‘I don’t want to. We’ll put in a lot of time. I’ll be very angry, and I hate being angry. And it’ll be a draw.’ And Amos said, ‘I’ve never asked you for anything as a friend. I’m asking you this as a friend.’” And Danny thought: He’s never done that before. I can’t really say no.

It wasn’t long before he wished that he had. Amos didn’t merely want to counter Gigerenzer; he wanted to destroy him. (“Amos couldn’t mention Gigerenzer’s name without using the word ‘sleazeball,’” said UCLA professor Craig Fox, Amos’s former student.) Danny, being Danny, looked for the good in Gigerenzer’s writings. He found this harder than usual to do. He’d avoided even visiting Germany until the 1970s. When he finally visited, he traveled the streets entertaining a strange and vivid fantasy that the houses were all empty. But Danny didn’t like being angry at people, and he contrived not to feel anger toward their new German critic. He even found himself in some slight sympathy with Gigerenzer on one point: the Linda problem. Gigerenzer had shown that, by changing the simplest version of the problem, he could lead people to the correct answer. Instead of asking people to rank the likelihood of the two descriptions of Linda, he asked: To how many of 100 people who are like Linda do the following statements apply? When you gave people that hint, they realized that Linda was more likely to be a bank teller than a bank teller active in the feminist movement. But then Danny and Amos already knew that. They’d written as much, with less emphasis, in their original paper.

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