The Single Dad (The Dalton Family #3)(32)

I added a second finger, overlapping the two. The deeper I got, the more she bucked.

She wasn’t just holding my face.

She was gripping it. Kissing me like I was her air, her nails now like claws.

“You like when I’m finger-fucking your pussy …”

Every time I pulled out, her walls clenched me; her sounds made me believe she was yearning for more.

But I wanted words.

Her words.

“More than anything,” she sighed, exposing her neck again. “You have no idea how good this feels.”

But I did.

Because watching her unravel made me feel even better.

“I need you.”

Hearing that simple statement made my goddamn dick pound.

“I fucking need you, Ford.”

Her arms dropped from around my neck, and she reached between us, fisting my cock.

Pumping me.

Leading me toward her.

“I want you to come the second I enter you.”

She was tightening around my fingers.

“I want to feel the orgasm pulse through you.”

She was getting even wetter, her moans becoming louder.

She was close.

I gave her several more thrusts, and the second I pulled out, replacing my fingers with my cock, she fucking screamed.

I swore I could feel the vibration of her throat across my shaft.

And how soaked she was.

And how fucking narrow.

“Sydney,” I growled into her neck, holding the couch to leverage my movements, giving her more power and speed as I drove into her. “You feel so fucking good.”


She was on the verge.

I reared my hips back and glided into her, my thumb now on her clit to give her that added friction. But my thumb didn’t move; it stayed still until I knew she was seconds away. That was when I flicked it across her, circling, sending her over that edge.

“Oh fuck!”

She was clutching me—her hands, her pussy.

“Oh my God!”

I surrounded her nipple, sucking it into my mouth, grazing the end with my teeth. It was that moment that I felt the first wave of ripples move through her, pounding across her stomach.

Her heels pressed into me; her arms caged me in.

I didn’t let up.

I went harder.


My teeth added more pain to her nipple.

“Ford! Ahhh!”

She was lost.

But I had her.

And while her pussy hugged my cock, shudders tearing through her, I stroked through her wetness.

Her stare turned feral.


“Yesss,” she cried, pulling me closer. “You are”—she panted, searching for her breath—“incredible.”

Now that she had stilled, I held her face, taking in her lips. “No.” I slid my tongue through the opening, sampling, wanting to know if the orgasm changed the way she tasted. “You’re fucking incredible.”

I lifted her off the back of the couch and carried her to the table, moving the place mat to set her directly on top of the wood.

“I want you to think of this moment every time you sit down for breakfast,” I said and plunged inside her. “I want you to think of my fucking cock when you’re drinking coffee here.”

I didn’t know how it was possible, but she was even wetter, her pussy sucking me in like I’d never left.

“Oh!” she shouted. “Yes!”

I captured her clit between two of my fingers, rubbing both sides like a coin. “Remember how loudly you just screamed?” I gave her a quick pump, doing it again before I started to slow. “This time, I want you even louder.”

Her knees bent, her feet rounding over the table, giving me all the access I needed while her arms reached behind her, holding her weight.

Her tits bounced with each thrust, her legs trying to cave in. She was lost again, unaware of her movements, unable to stop what was happening inside her body.

But I was in control.

And this was my pussy.

And I wasn’t going to halt until we both came.

But, fuck me, she was getting tighter, making it harder for me to hold off.

“Jesus, your fucking pussy.”

I took her nipple into my mouth, the little bud already red from what I had done to it earlier, and I licked the end, sucking it. Flicking. And with my fingers still on her clit, I squeezed, rubbing the top back and forth.


She lifted her ass off the table, meeting me, pausing in the center, where I circled my hips. Each rotation caused a different sensation. One that made it hard for me to fucking breathe. One that made it almost impossible for my balls not to explode.

“Sydney,” I moaned back. “Damn it.” I held her hip, increasing my speed. “I need you to come with me.”

“I’m already there.”

I didn’t hold back.

I didn’t go gently.

I added pressure, friction, driving into her cunt, each draw causing her roars to get louder.

As my balls started to constrict, she wrapped her arms around my shoulders, connecting our chests.

Our mouths.

Keeping me tightly inside her.

And after only a few dives, the eruption began.


“Sydney,” I demanded, my tone an order as my release started to tear through me. “Fucking Sydney.”

Marni Mann's Books