The Silent Sister(107)

“You really look like shit,” Shane said to her.

“Shane,” Celia chided. “That’s not helpful.”

Jade pushed her chair away from the table. “I’m going up to the room,” she said, but she didn’t stand up.

“You should lie down for a while,” Travis said. “We don’t have to be out of here till eleven.”

She nodded, but couldn’t seem to get to her feet. Her body felt rubbery, her bones like jelly. At eleven o’clock, all four of them would pile into the van they’d rented for this leg of their tour. She dreaded the two- or three-hour drive to New Bern, with Shane and Travis wondering what was wrong with her, and Celia’s anger mounting. She would pretend to sleep.

Celia’s cell phone rang. The ringtone was one of their original songs that was so perky and upbeat it made Jade cringe. Celia looked at the caller ID, then raised the phone to her ear.

“Hello?” she said, then, “Yes, I’m Celia.”

Celia listened for a few seconds and Jade sensed a new tension in her as she got to her feet and walked away from their table. She watched her walk toward the windows, talking into the phone, but she couldn’t hear a word from where she sat. For a moment, she wondered if Celia could be talking to Riley … but Riley couldn’t possibly have her number.

Travis glanced over his shoulder toward Celia, then looked back at Jade. “Are you two all right or what?” he asked.

She looked at him. His face was boyish despite the blond stubble of beard he always wore. She thought of a dozen responses, but none came out of her mouth. She watched Celia. She was still talking on the phone, but now she walked out the door of the breakfast room toward the hotel lobby. Where was she going? If Jade could have made herself stand up, she would have followed her.

“What’s going on, Jade?” Shane asked.

She couldn’t look at him. “Tell you later,” she said.

Celia reappeared in the breakfast room. She was off the phone now, and her worried expression made Jade finally get to her feet.

“What is it?” she asked.

Celia clutched her forearm, probably harder than she meant to. “Okay,” she said to the three of them, and her false-sounding calmness told Jade that something was terribly wrong. “Here’s what we need to do.” Celia looked down at the men, each of them with a coffee cup in his hand and confusion in his face. “Jade and I have to leave right away,” she said. “I just called for a car.”

A car? Jade frowned at her.

“You guys follow later,” Celia said to them. “We’ll all meet up at the hotel in New Bern, okay?”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Shane set down his cup. Jade wondered the same thing, but kept her mouth shut. She would find out soon enough. An attorney, she thought. Somehow, when Celia was out walking last night, she’d managed to reach a lawyer and they were going to see him or her. She didn’t know if that was good news or bad.

“There’s something we have to do and we’ll explain it all later, but right now Jade and I need to pack.” Celia tugged her arm. “Come on,” she said.

“Hey!” Shane called after them as they walked toward the lobby. “I think you at least owe us an explanation.” He was so loud, other diners turned to stare.

Celia ignored him, and Jade waited until they were in the elevator before she finally spoke. “What’s going on?” she asked. “Who was on the phone?”

“A woman named Jeannie Lyons,” Celia said.

“Jeannie!” she said. “Why would she be calling you? How could she have your number?”

The elevator doors opened and Celia took her arm again, walking her down the hallway toward their room, ignoring her question. It took Celia three tries to fit the key card into the lock and Jade’s nerves were about to give out. She impatiently pushed the door open when the green light finally flashed.

“Tell me!” she said once they were inside.

“Listen to me,” Celia said with forced calm. “Riley’s been in an accident. She—”

“Oh, no!” Jade froze, her body unable to move a muscle. “Tell me she’s okay,” she pleaded. “Please. Where is she?”

“She’s unconscious and she’s in a hospital.”

“Oh, God. Here? Can I go to her? How badly is she hurt?”

“Not here. A town called Goldsboro. Jeannie is there with her. It happened when she was driving back to New Bern last night … or I guess really early this morning. She was talking to Jeannie on the phone when it happened, and the hospital called her because her number was the last one dialed on Riley’s phone.”

“But how would Jeannie know to call you?”

Celia raked her hands through her hair and sat down on the edge of one of the chairs. “I can’t help it if you’re pissed at me,” she said. “I know you will be, but I don’t care. I had to do it.”

“Do what?” She was scaring her.

“I went to see Riley last night.”

“You … where? How did you find her?”

“I got her address off your phone.”

She remembered hearing Celia rummaging around the living room of their suite last night before she left.

“Please tell me you didn’t tell her.”

Diane Chamberlain's Books