The Reunion(69)

I spot an extra stethoscope on his coatrack as well and grab that too. I drape it around my neck and then casually swing the end around.

I pick up my phone, angle high, and take a picture that I then send to Laramie.

His response is immediate.

Laramie: Look out for incoming erections. Dr. Beau is going to need some medical attention in his pants when he gets back.

I laugh out loud just as I hear the stairs to the front door creak. I drop my phone and get in position on the edge of the couch, lifting one leg to rest on the back while the other is on the floor, keeping me balanced. I adjust the coat so it covers everything up but also shows off enough, puff out my chest, and put on a smile just as the door opens, revealing Beau . . . and another man.

“Palmer, have you . . . oh my God . . .”

“Oh my God!” I shout, pulling a pillow from the couch and dragging it over my body.

“Oh my God,” the other guy says, covering his eyes. “Jesus, I’m sorry.”

“No, I’m sorry,” I say quickly. “I was—I, uh . . . I didn’t know . . . was there a doctor in the house? I mean, I’m the doctor. No, I’m not a doctor, just a doctor of boners.” I cover my eyes. “No, not boners, this was a boner, I mean bonehead move. I’m not naked.” I try to hide my face in the pillow. “I’m just . . . uh . . . I’m practicing for when I get my medical degree. Is this . . . is this not the proper attire?”

“Jesus, Beau. I didn’t know you had company. I’ll leave.”

I pop my head up, pillow still covering me as I stand from the couch and slowly back away from the door. “No, don’t leave. I was, uh . . . I was just getting ready to leave. You know, all those medical books I need to read.”

“Palmer,” Beau says, walking toward me.

“Dr. Beau, it was a pleasure getting to know you.” My eyes widen as I look at the guy. “Not like that. Nothing happened. I don’t mean getting to know him in a personal way, like naked, but you know, just intellectually. I’m not . . . I know how this looks, but I promise, it’s not what it seems. My clothes are drying, actually, and this just happens to be something—” I sigh, giving up. “I’m not a naked lunatic.”

“Palmer,” Beau says again, this time closing the space between us, a grin pulling at the corner of his lips. “This is my cousin Roger. He missed the ferry because of the storm and was hoping to spend the night.”

“Oh, sure, yup.” I thumb behind me. “I was just heading out. All research here has been conducted. No need to worry—I’ll be out of your hair in a few.” Pillow in hand, stethoscope dangling from my neck, I take off toward Beau’s bedroom, where I quickly close the door behind me and cover my eyes with my hand. Embarrassment swallows me whole.

I’m going to kill Laramie.

The doorknob turns behind me, and the door opens a crack. “Palmer, let me in.”

“Um, no thank you,” I say.


“Really good. Just changing. Be out shortly.”

He eases the door open carefully, letting his large frame in before he shuts it behind him. I lean against the wall, still clutching the pillow, completely and utterly humiliated as I stare up at him.

His eyes are full of humor, his grin has yet to be swiped off his face, and he leaves no space between us as he takes the pillow from me, tosses it on his bed, and gently caresses my cheek with the back of his fingers.

“What do you have going on here?”

“First-class embarrassment. What does it look like?”

“It looks like you were attempting to seduce me.”

“What? Pffft, you got that from this?” I motion up and down my body. “Clearly you’re not up to date on your seduction techniques. This is actually a new, modern way of greeting your host. A fun party trick, if you will.”

“Is that right?” he asks, his fingers playing with the lapel of his lab coat.

“Yup. It’s very popular in Europe, actually. Greet your host in a lab coat. Extremely normal, not at all odd or embarrassing, or utterly demeaning. Completely natural.”

“Looks like it.” His thumb swipes across my collarbone. “It suits you.”

My breath catches in my chest at his touch and the sexy glint in his hazel eyes. “Well, glad you enjoyed my little party trick. But, since you have company, it’s best I be going so you two cousins can catch up. And hey, you can work on that puzzle. What a delightful evening for you.” I pat his chest. “I’ll just get out of your way—”

Beau pins my hips still and gently pushes me against the wall, keeping me in place. “Are you listening, Palmer?”

“Huh?” I ask, confused.

“Are you listening to me? I’m about to tell you how this night is going to go, but I need to make sure you’re actually listening.”

I swallow hard from the authoritative tone in his voice. “Yes, I’m listening.”

“Good.” He tucks a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. “I’m going to go back out to the living room and grab your clothes. You’re going to get changed so my cousin doesn’t have the privilege of seeing you in this European tradition.” He raises a brow at me. “And then we are going to all puzzle together. When it’s time for bed, Roger is going to take the couch, and then you’re going to sleep with me, in my bed. Okay?”

Meghan Quinn's Books