The Play (Briar U, #3)(79)

“What the hell is a despacito anyway?” I grumble. “Is it like a desperado?”

Hannah bursts out laughing. “It means slowly.”

“Whatever. It’s a shitty song.” I don’t really believe that. If anything, I’m indifferent to the damn track. I just wish it would end already. I promptly glare daggers at the dance floor again.

“Just friends?” Logan asks knowingly.

The sigh I’ve been holding slips out.

“Aw, he has a crush,” teases Hannah.

“Nah,” I lie. “I’m putting sex and dating on the backburner this year. I want to focus on hockey.”

“I get it.” Garrett nods a couple times. “But there’s more to life than hockey, Davenport.” He’s gazing at his girlfriend as he says that. Hannah is his entire world. I have no doubt he’d give up anything for her, even a flourishing career.

“I know there is, but I made myself a promise. You know, to try to grow as a person and all that shit.”

The guys laugh loudly, while Hannah offers an admiring smile. “I actually think that’s commendable,” she says. “We get so caught up in sex and relationships, sometimes it’s good to take some time for yourself.”

“But sex is so good,” Logan protests.

He’s right. Sex is goddamn incredible, and right now Dean and Demi are engaged in a vertical version of it on the dance floor. My stomach twists again.

“You should cut in,” Garrett suggests.

I’m about to maintain that I can’t salsa, when the DJ changes up the music again. A slower, sultry beat reverberates through the club. “Havana” by Camila Cabello. I can work with that.

“I’ll be right back.” I stride forward, leaving my companions in the proverbial rear view mirror.

I can hear them laughing behind me, but I don’t give a shit. I make a beeline for Demi. “Beat it,” I tell Dean.

It’s a joke.

But also not a joke.

And he knows it. Grinning, he slaps my shoulder and goes off to join the others.

Demi stares at me, one eyebrow quirked. “Wow. Was that a show of dominance?”


“Really? So you banished my dancing partner for no reason? What am I supposed to do now?” She snaps a hand on her hip. We’re surrounded by other dancers, but neither of us moves.

“Well. I guess I’ll just have to do,” I say, extending a hand toward her.

She breaks out in a smile. “Took you long enough.”

I yank her toward me, grabbing hold of her waist. Demi rests one hand on my shoulder, and places the other one at my nape, her fingers curling loosely around my neck as we begin to move to the beat.

Luckily, our lower bodies aren’t touching, so I’m spared the agony of feeling her rubbing up against me. The experience would be too confusing for my dick.

Except great. Now she’s rubbing up against me.

Cue: dick confusion.

I try to ease my hips away from her sexy body, but that earns me a huff of exasperation. “You have to actually dance back, Hunter. You can’t just stand there.”

“I’m dancing back,” I protest.

“Your body is two feet away! Where did you learn to dance? Puritan camp? Why did you even bother cutting in?”

I shrug.

Demi thinks it over for a second. Then she releases a triumphant laugh. “Oh my God, you were jealous! You didn’t like seeing me dancing with Dean!”

Another shrug.

“Ha!” She’s so much shorter than me that she has to tug my head down to bring her lips to my ear. “Admit it,” she whispers.

My lips travel toward her ear. “Fine,” I whisper back, and I’m gratified to feel a shiver run down her body. “Maybe a little jealous. But it wasn’t real jealousy.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“It was body jealousy.”

“That’s not a real thing.”

“Yes it is. Bodies get jealous when they see other bodies close together.”

“Right. Keep telling yourself that.”

I kind of need to, to preserve my own sanity. I can’t let myself develop feelings for Demi. I mean, obviously, I like her. She’s amazing and we have fun together. As friends.

I don’t want our friendship to be ruined.

But Demi seems hell-bent on setting it on fire.

“I have a secret,” she teases, gesturing for me to lower my head again.

“Yeah?” My voice comes out stupidly husky.

Her breath tickles my earlobe. “I’m about to do something you’re not going to like.”

Like a fool I ask, “What’s that?”

And rather than answer, Demi angles her head and slants her mouth over mine.

The kiss is as delicious as the last time. She tastes like tequila and a hint of cherry, probably from the red candy she had in her mouth at the game. Her tongue had kept poking it into her cheek, making it look like she had a creature moving around in there.

I laugh at the memory.

She pulls back breathlessly. “What is it?”

“Nothing. I was just thinking about your candy obsession and…forget it.” I just kiss her again, and her tongue eagerly slides into my mouth.

Elle Kennedy's Books