The Play (Briar U, #3)(124)

“They’ll either be divorced in a week, or they’ll be together forever,” Hunter predicts with a sigh. “There’s no in between with those two.”

Summer tucks her golden hair behind her ears. “I’m happy for them, I really am. But holy shit, that came out of left field.”

Hunter shakes his head a few times, as if trying to come out of a daze. “Okay, then. That was…fascinating.” He picks up the remote control. “Should we keep watching? We were about to find out if the dismembered head winds up in the magic guy’s hat.”

“I’m going upstairs to play Fortnite,” Fitz grumbles.

“I’m going to sleep,” Summer says.

Brenna stands up. “I’m going to see if Jake’s still awake so I can tell him about this latest development.”

“Party poopers,” I accuse.

As Hunter’s roommates scatter and disappear, he tugs me closer to his warm, muscular body. “What do you say, babe? Shall we?”

I slant my head and grin up at him. “Yup yup.”

The End

Don’t miss the extended bonus epilogue at:

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Have you read the first book in the Briar U series? The Chase is available at all retailers!

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If you or anyone you know are having suicidal thoughts or considering self-harm, please reach out to a loved one or contact the support services below. Someone is always there to listen. You matter.


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1.800.273.8255

Canada Canada Suicide Prevention Service 1.833.456.4566

Global International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP)

Author’s Note

This book was a joy to write! Hunter and Demi’s friendship, banter, and sparks kept me on my toes during the entire writing process, and I couldn’t be happier with how their story played out. With that said, please note that I took some liberties with the college semester/hockey season schedule, extending them for plot purposes.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, but this book (and life in general) would be a real bummer without the love and support of some amazing people:

My editor Lindsey Faber—reunited and it feels so good! And my agent Kimberly Brower for making sure I stay on top of things, and serving as my occasional relationship therapist.

The beta reading skills of Nikki Sloane (“suck his $#&! why don’t ya!”), K.A. Tucker (winery champ and all-around hottie), Robin Covington (THANK YOU!) and Sarah J. Maas (Garrett Graham’s #1 fan, and—finally!—someone as dorky as I am!).

Sarina Bowen, just because I love her. She’s so sa-weet!

Vi Keeland, my frenemy, who lives vicariously through my love life. You’re welcome.

Monica James, my Australian soulmate. You are so genuine and wonderful, and I know your dad was so very proud of the woman you are. I’m lucky to know you.

Nina, my publicist and wifey, who loves me so much she wouldn’t even divorce me after finding out I’ve never read Harry Potter.

Aquila Editing, for proofing this book (Sorry for all the typos!)

Nicole, lifesaver extraordinaire.

Heyyyyy, Natasha. Set it free!, for bringing Demi to life with this stunning cover!

All my author friends who shared this release and offered their love and support—it’s truly remarkable how supportive this community can be. So many big hearts and talented writers!

And as always, the bloggers, reviewers and readers who continue to spread the word about my books. I am so thankful for your love and kindness. You’re the reason I keep writing these crazy stories!



The Chase: Preview

The first standalone book in the Briar U series is now available! Enjoy this excerpt from The Chase…


“Dance with me?”

I want to say no.

But I also want to say yes.

I call this the Summer Dilemma—the frustrating, polar reactions this green-eyed, golden-haired goddess sparks in me.

Fuck yes and hell no.

Get naked with her. Run far, far away from her.

“Thanks, but I don’t like to dance.” I’m not lying. Dancing’s the worst.

Besides, when it comes to Summer Di Laurentis, my flight instinct always wins out.

“You’re no fun, Fitzy.” She makes a tsking noise, drawing my gaze to her lips. Full, pink, and glossy, with a tiny mole above the left side of her mouth.

It’s an extremely hot mouth.

Hell, everything about Summer is hot. She’s hands down the best-looking girl in the bar, and every dude in our vicinity is either staring enviously or glowering at me for being with her.

Not that I’m with her. We’re not together. I’m just standing next to her, with two feet of space between us. Which Summer keeps trying to bridge by leaning closer to me.

Elle Kennedy's Books