The Night Bird (Frost Easton #1)(46)
“What is it?”
Frankie didn’t know if she should go on. She wondered how he would react. “The Night Bird,” she said.
He turned and stared at her. He didn’t say anything. She couldn’t read his eyes.
“Todd?” she continued. “Does anything pop into your head when I mention the Night Bird? Any kind of memory?”
“No,” he said softly, but his voice quavered.
“Nothing at all?”
“No. Why?”
She hesitated, because she didn’t think he was being honest. The Night Bird did mean something to Todd. He looked unsettled, as if he wanted to run. “I think a psychopath is deliberately killing these women. Somehow he’s programming their minds for extreme, self-destructive behavior. He calls himself the Night Bird. Do you have any idea who that could be?”
He leaned closer to her. She was conscious of the fact that they were on a lonely beach with no one else around. If he wanted to do something to her, he could.
“You think it’s me, don’t you?” he asked. “You think I’m the Night Bird.”
“I have no idea.”
“Well, here’s the thing, Dr. Stein. I’m scared that it’s me, too.”
What’s your worst memory?
Frost didn’t have to paw through his brain to find it. He knew exactly what that was. A single memory haunted him every day of his life.
Katie. In the car.
“Is there anything you’d forget if you could?” he asked Duane. “If you could wipe out something from your memory, would you do it?”
The two of them sat on opposite ends of the cushioned window seat in Frost’s Russian Hill house. His brother drank fresh-squeezed carrot juice from a wine glass. Frost was on his second bottle of Sierra Nevada ale. The nighttime view looked out toward the bay, Alcatraz, and the Berkeley hills. Shack patrolled the window, tapping his black-and-white paws at moths outside the glass.
It was the kind of view that never got old. There were nights when Frost stayed awake for hours, watching the city.
“What are you talking about?” Duane asked him.
“It’s this case I’m working on. The women who were killed had their memories manipulated. I think someone made their worst fears come to life.”
“Well, I don’t care how it bad it is, I don’t want to forget anything,” Duane said. “Me, I worry about not remembering.”
“Me, too.” Frost added after a long pause, “Sometimes I can’t picture Katie’s face in my head anymore, you know? Not unless I look at a photograph.”
His brother nodded. “I know. It’s the same for me.”
“She gets farther and farther away. I hate that.”
Duane waggled a finger at him. “Come on, no bad shit on her birthday. We agreed. Only good stuff.”
“You’re right. Sorry.”
“So, who’s the girl?” Duane asked.
“What girl?” Frost asked, but he knew what Duane wanted.
“The one you brought to the food truck.”
“Her name’s Lucy,” Frost said.
“She’s pretty. She’s a little young for you, but that’s okay.”
“This from the man who sleeps with a different twenty-something sous chef every week,” Frost pointed out.
Duane grinned. “‘Sous chef’ means ‘under the chef,’ so what do you want from me? Blame it on the French.”
Despite being five years older than Frost, Duane was an incorrigible child at heart. Most chefs were. He had limitless, espresso-fueled energy, which he needed in order to work fourteen-hour days in his kitchen. When they were together, his brother was relaxed and casual, but Duane became a different person when he ran his restaurants. He was impatient and demanding, like a little dictator chopping off the heads of anyone who crossed him. Most of his employees didn’t last long, but even a few months under Duane Easton was a calling card with other chefs around the city.
Duane was a compact package. He was only five foot six and skinny. He had chin-length black hair, parted in the middle, which was how he’d worn it since culinary school in Paris. His face made a sharp V, and his nose was drooping and narrow. He had thick dark eyebrows. Like Frost, his eyes were laser beams, and they had a way of cutting through anyone in front of him, whether it was a chef who’d overcooked the lamb or a single woman looking for a postdinner drink. His fashion sense was eclectic. Right now, he wore a button-down white dress shirt, nylon running shorts, and pink Crocs.
“How’d you meet her?” Duane asked.
“She watched her roommate take a header off the Bay Bridge.”
Duane’s eyebrows rose. “Strange life you lead, bro. Is it serious?”
“I like her a lot, but we’re not going out.”
“Why not? I saw the kiss. She’s obviously into you.”
“I know, but she’s a witness in this case,” he said, which was the obvious excuse.
“So what? That won’t last forever. I think you should go for it.”
Frost hesitated and then said, “There’s something else, too. When I’m with her, she reminds me of Katie. It’s not fair, but I’m not sure I can get past that.”