The Locked Room (Ruth Galloway #14)(82)

‘Did you send off for your adoption records?’ Ruth has been doing some research.

‘Yes. And there it was. Mother: Jean Finch. It didn’t take long for me to find her married name. I wrote to her.’

‘When was this?’ asks Ruth.

‘Six years ago,’ says Zoe. She takes a sip of wine and strokes Derek, who is stretched out beside her.

‘Jean wrote back,’ she says, after another pause. ‘It was a kind letter, but she didn’t want to see me. She said she hadn’t told her husband or her children about me. But she did say she hoped we could meet in the future. But she sent me a photograph. And she told me my father’s name.’

‘What was it?’ asks Ruth.

Zoe laughs. ‘Derek. I named the cat after him, but I haven’t tried to get in contact. I suppose I felt a bit bruised after Jean’s response. Apparently, Derek was someone Jean worked with at the bank. She was in love with him but he was married.’

And, once again, Ruth hears her mother’s voice. ‘What do you mean you’re pregnant? You’re not even married.’ If only you’d told me, Mum, she thinks.

‘Jean didn’t feel able to bring up a child as a single mother,’ says Zoe. ‘They were different times, that’s what she said. I’ll show you her letter. I did hope that we would meet but . . .’

‘But she died the next year,’ says Ruth. ‘How did you find out?’

‘There was something in her local paper,’ says Zoe. ‘I’d put a search link on the name Jean Galloway. It was a shock but then, I’m afraid, I turned my attention to you. I’ve always wanted a sister.’

‘Me too,’ says Ruth.

‘It was quite difficult to stalk you,’ says Zoe, with a slight smile. ‘You don’t have any social media presence, but I read your books and watched your TV programmes.’

‘Oh God,’ says Ruth.

‘I thought you were wonderful,’ says Zoe. ‘I was in awe of you. Then this house came up for rent and I had a chance to be your neighbour. I grabbed it.’

‘I’m glad you did,’ says Ruth. ‘Did you realise that your foster mother had lived next door? In my house?’

‘No,’ says Zoe. ‘Did she really? I don’t really remember her, but I was always told that she was very kind. Maybe that’s why these houses always felt so homelike.’

‘It was the same with me,’ says Ruth. ‘I wanted to live here as soon as I saw the cottages. Maybe I sensed that it had been a safe place. That’s what Cathbad would say anyway.’

‘Cathbad?’ says Zoe. ‘He’s one of our patients. I’d heard he was in hospital. Is he OK?’

‘I think he will be,’ says Ruth, reluctant to talk about it for fear of jinxing the miracle. ‘I found a picture of my cottage when I was going through my mum’s things. Our mum. On the back it said, “Dawn 1963”.’

‘I was born in 1963,’ says Zoe.

‘I know,’ says Ruth. ‘You’re five years older than me.’

‘I’ve got a little sister,’ says Zoe with a smile. ‘It’s been wonderful getting to know you. I didn’t count on being locked down together though. Or being kidnapped by a murderous pensioner.’

‘To be fair,’ says Ruth, ‘those were hard things to predict.’

‘I’ll get you the letter,’ says Zoe. ‘And then I’ll make us both a cup of tea.’

Ruth is sure that this is an excuse to leave her alone with her mother’s words and she’s grateful.

Dear Dawn (I know you are Zoe now but wanted to call you that name just once),

I can’t pretend it wasn’t a shock to hear from you. I’ve always thought about you, though, and I’m glad that your adoption was a happy one. I’m afraid I don’t feel able to meet with you just yet. I haven’t told my husband and children about you and I still don’t feel ready to do so. One day, I’m sure, our time will come.

You deserve to hear the story of your birth. I met Derek at the bank where I worked. He was older than me and seemed glamorous and sophisticated. We started an affair (an awful word but what’s the alternative?) but I didn’t know he was married. I only found out when I fell pregnant with you. Derek refused to leave his wife and I couldn’t face life as a single mother. They were different times then. My daughter is a wonderful single parent but I didn’t have her courage. My parents were furious and I went into an ‘unmarried mother’s home’ to have you. I was only allowed to see you once. You were a beautiful baby and it broke my heart to say goodbye to you. I named you Dawn after Sleeping Beauty. I was told that your foster parents were good people and I managed to find out where they lived. I even went to their cottage one day but wasn’t brave enough to knock on the door. I took a photograph of the house – little knowing how important it was going to be to my family – and have often looked at it over the years.

Shortly after your birth, I met Arthur and married him. He was already a Christian but we were both Born Again fourteen years later. God has been such a comfort to me. I hope He is in your life. We have two children. Simon is married with two grown-up sons. Ruth is a very successful archaeologist (she has written books!!) and she has a lovely daughter, Kate. I do hope you can meet them all one day.

Elly Griffiths's Books