The Little Book of Lykke: The Danish Search for the World's Happiest People(11)



Encourage your friends and family to have tech-free periods during the week, avoid the temptation to check your phone, and detox digitally.

In addition to bonfires at summer solstice, the field across from our summer cabin was used for play. When I was a child, we could easily muster twenty-five kids for a game of roundball (best described as a simple version of baseball); of course, this was in the pre-iPad age. Last year, a survey from Action for Children in the UK showed that parents find convincing kids to turn off their computer, phone or other device tougher than getting them to do their homework. Almost one in four parents found it difficult to control the amount of time their children spent playing on computers or tablets, while only 10 per cent struggled with getting their children to do their homework. One of the reasons behind this is that kids do not want to be left out of the online community.

A Danish boarding school is going to what the kids consider extreme measures to create community. The staff confiscate smartphones and other gadgets; Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat can be accessed for only one hour per day, as pupils are allowed one hour of gadget time per day. After the first term, the system was put to a student vote. Should we continue with this system, or be given back our phones and gadgets and be free to use them as much as we want? Eighty per cent voted for the first option. Obviously, these kinds of measures work only when a sufficient number of people are on board.

If you are the only one without your phone and the rest of the class is Snapchatting with their friends back home, that is a lonely experience. So it is important to get critical mass within your social circle. You could convince a number of families on your street to make Thursday night analogue night and send the kids out to play together, or start at home by making Thursday night family night. Other options are to create a no-phone zone for two hours around the evening meal, or place a basket for phones by the coat hangers and encourage friends to deposit any devices there when they visit.



Denmark: The co-housing scheme is designed to create privacy as well as community. Families live separately yet together, reducing social isolation and the hassle of everyday logistics. Read more on this page.

Turning streets into communities

Perth, Australia: Using the wisdom of The Little Prince, Shani, a young Canadian woman, turned a street into a community by introducing pizza nights, movie nights, herb gardens and goats, through asking people to dream of what kind of street they would like to live in. Read more on this page.

National Neighbours’ Day

The Netherlands: The Dutch notion that a good neighbour is better than a distant friend has turned an initiative to get neighbours together over a cup of coffee into a nation-wide event that is celebrated in two thousand Dutch districts. Read more on this page.

From motor city to garden city

Detroit, USA: After the financial crisis which destroyed the economy in Detroit, people have started to revitalize the city by transforming it from a ‘motor city’ into a ‘garden city’. Urban community gardens have been established throughout the city, which is currently one of the world’s biggest urban agricultural movements.


Okinawa, Japan: Home to some of the healthiest people in the world, where many live to over a hundred years old. Some suggest it has to do with moai, which means to ‘come together in a common purpose’. It is a solid part of Okinawan tradition to create small, secure social networks in which members commit to each other for life. Moai is created when a child is born and helps to integrate the child into a lifelong community. Whether you face serious problems in life, economic struggle, sickness or grief over the loss of a loved one, the moai will be there.

Día de los Muertos

Mexico: The Day of the Dead celebrations take place between 28 October and 2 November each year. The belief is that, on this day, the deceased have divine permission to visit friends and relatives on earth. People visit the graves of families and friends, taking food and drink with them. The events are a celebration of life rather than a sober mourning of its passing and create a sense of togetherness even with lost ones.

It takes a village to raise a child

Western Africa: The proverb ‘It takes a village to raise a child’ exists in many different African languages but is sometimes said to have originated in Igbo and Yoruba, which are spoken in Western Africa. Our language shapes our behaviour – and the proverb is a reminder that if we honour the notion that we are each other’s keepers, we all become happier.


One day, when I was about eleven, I read the headline ‘THE DOLLAR IS GOING TO RISE TO 8 KRONER IN A YEAR’ on the cover of B?rsen, the Danish equivalent to the Financial Times.

At the time, the kroner was around 7 kroner to the dollar, so I did what any normal kid would do, I went to the bank and had all my savings converted to dollars.

‘Are you going on holiday to the US?’ the lady at the bank asked me, as she was counting the money.

‘No,’ I said. ‘Haven’t you read B?rsen?’

This was not an isolated incident. I bought my first bonds and stocks when I was ten and had a poster in my room with a picture of a pile of money on it and a caption that read ‘My first million’. In school, my class would participate in a mock stock-dealing game against other classes, buying and selling stocks. However, as the prices we could trade in were the prices in that day’s paper, and therefore yesterday’s stock prices, I would call the bank every day to hear what the biggest increases on the stock market had been and my class would buy that stock. Grown-ups call that insider trading. We called it luck. In short, at eleven, I was a pair of braces away from Gordon Gekko.

Meik Wiking's Books