The Last Mile (Amos Decker, #2)(35)

“Dude have a name?” asked Bogart.

“Donny Crockett,” said Montgomery promptly.

“And where is he now?”

“In a coffin. He was on death row too. They executed him four months ago.”

Bogart and Decker looked at each other while Davenport kept her gaze squarely on Montgomery.

She said, “Why would he mention Melvin Mars to you?”

“Didn’t you know?” said Montgomery with a brief grin. “I played some ball at Ole Miss. I was a fullback. That meant I slammed my body against other bodies all game long so the tailback could look good. Now, I never played against Mars, because I was a lot older, but I heard of him later on. Didn’t connect it to what I done in Texas. But then when my buddy told me the details, I had my wife Google it for me. When I saw the pictures of the parents I knew they were the ones I’d killed.”

“And you decided to come forward why?” asked Decker. “Because God might go easier on you?”

Montgomery shrugged. “Look, I’m going to die anyway. Screwed up my whole life. This dude Mars lost out on a lot because of me. Guess I’m just trying to make amends. Do one good thing before I kick off.” He stopped and gave Decker a searching look. “They are going to let him go, right? He didn’t kill his parents. I did.”

“We’ll see,” said Decker. “It’s the reason we’re here.”

“I told the local cops stuff that I knew about the house and all. Details they didn’t let out to the public. It was me. What else can I say?”

“I think you’ve said a lot,” answered Decker.

Bogart said, “And you never met Melvin Mars?”

Montgomery shook his head. “No sir, I never met the man. If he had been home that night I would’ve killed him too.”

They all fell silent for a few moments. Decker was studying Montgomery closely while Bogart looked down at some notes. Jamison and Davenport were watching Decker.

Decker finally said, “So you eventually remarried?”

Montgomery nodded. “A couple years later. I was already in my fifties, but Regina was twenty years younger. So we had a kid. I tried to settle down and get cleaned up, but it was no good.” He motioned to his head again. “Pains came back. Had ’em all the time at that point. I just went nuts. Did shit. Regina took our son and ran for it. I started robbing banks and selling drugs, murdered a couple dudes I was doing business with. Then I killed a state trooper. That’s why I’m here.”

“Where does your current wife live?” asked Decker.

Montgomery’s eyebrows flicked up at this. “Why?”

“We’ll need to talk to her.”

“Why?” he asked again.

“She’s part of this chain. We have to look at every link.”

Montgomery considered this for a long moment. “She lives about twenty miles from here. Prison has the address. Moved there when I got transferred here.”

“And you’ve been married how long?”

“About eighteen years. Though I’ve been in prison the last nine. Like I said, she left me when I went out of control. Hell, Tommy was just a little boy then. But when I got the death sentence she came to the prison to see me. We never officially got divorced. I guess she felt sorry for me.”

“How many kids do you have?” asked Decker.

“Just Tommy. He lives with his mom but he never comes here. Don’t blame him. Wasn’t there for him, so why should he be there for me? He’s a really good football player from what she tells me.”

“Does she visit you often?” asked Davenport.

Montgomery leveled his gaze on her. “Every week, like clockwork.”

“That’s nice,” said Davenport, drawing a wary look from Montgomery.

“Anyone else ever visit you?” asked Decker.

“I don’t have anybody else.”

“No lawyers or anything?”

“They tried. And failed. And left.”

Decker said, “When is your execution date?”

“Three weeks from yesterday.”

Davenport asked, “Why did you choose the electric chair over lethal injection?”

Everyone looked at her.

Montgomery grinned. “Figure where I’m going I better get used to being hot. And why not go out with a bang?”

“What are your wife’s plans after you’re gone?” Decker asked.

“Start over somewhere else.”

“Right,” said Decker. “We’ll tell her you said hello when we see her.”

“I’m doing the right thing, right?” said Montgomery nervously.

“That’s not for me to answer,” replied Decker. “One more thing. Did you steal any money or property from the Marses?”

Montgomery stared up at him, a wary expression on his features. “No, did the cops say I did?”

“Did you commit any other crimes while you were in town?” asked Decker.

“No. I told you. I killed them and tore outta there.”

“So you didn’t stay around and do a day’s worth of labor or anything?”

Montgomery looked at him like Decker had lost his mind.

“After murdering two people?”

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