The Friend Zone(102)

I can’t express enough gratitude and appreciation for my literary agent, Stacey Graham. She took one look at that email from an unknown, first-time author, read the dick joke I’d put in my query, and said, “This girl is going places.” She was honorable, supportive, encouraging, and generally just an amazing human being right from the onset. She talked me off ledges, was an advisor, and most important, a friend. Thank you for taking a chance on me.

Thank you to Dawn Frederick for letting me be a part of Red Sofa Literary.

A thanks to my editor, Leah, who saw something in me and wanted to bring my stories to the world. Your mad skills and guidance unleash my creativity, and I can honestly say my books are better because you’re a part of them. Thanks, too, to the entire Forever team, who’s supported this book from the beginning: Estelle with her amazing publicity, Lexi, Gabi, Cristina, and to Elizabeth for the awesome cover.

And lastly, to my long-suffering husband, Carlos, who sacrificed time with me and my attention so I could focus (compulsively, I might add) on my passion. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t know what a happily ever after looks like. People ask me if Josh is my husband. All the best parts of any man I ever write will always be something I’ve seen in my own. No fictional character will ever be him—he’s better.

Abby Jimenez's Books