The Flatshare(74)

Tiffy shakes her head and swings her legs around to get up.

Tiffy: Really, I have no idea. He’s even more of a dick to you than the rest of us, though, isn’t he?

Rachel, in a hiss, from behind me: Run! Flee! Incoming!

Tiffy doesn’t need telling twice. She grabs my hand and drags me away in the direction of the front hall (gigantic stone cavern with three staircases).

Katherin, shouting after us: Are you leaving me to deal with him on my own?

Tiffy: Bloody hell, woman! Just imagine he’s a Tory MP in the seventies, all right?

I don’t turn around to see Katherin’s reaction, but can hear Rachel’s snort of laughter. Tiffy pulls me into ornate nook that looks as if it might once have housed a statue, and kisses me hard on the mouth.

Tiffy: All this staring at you all day. It’s unbearable. And I am viciously jealous of everyone else getting to do it too.

Feels like sipping something warm – spreads downwards from my chest, pulls my lips into a smile. Don’t know quite what to say, so kiss her instead. Her body presses mine against the cold stone wall, her hands twining around my neck.

Tiffy, against my mouth: Next weekend.

Me: Hmm?

(Am busy kissing.)

Tiffy: It’ll be just the two of us. Alone. In our flat. And if anyone interrupts us or drags you off to administer to an eighteen-year-old’s scratched finger, I will personally have them executed.


Tiffy: Sorry. This whole castle setting is clearly getting into my head.

Pull back, search her face. Have I not told her? I must have told her.

Tiffy: What? What is it?

Me: Richie’s trial is on Friday. Sorry. I’m staying at Mam’s for the weekend afterwards – didn’t I tell you?

Feel a familiar fear. This will be the start of an unpleasant conversation – have forgotten to tell her something, am changing her plans . . .

Tiffy: No! Are you serious?

Stomach writhes. Reach to pull her in again, but she bats my hands away, eyes wide.

Tiffy: You didn’t tell me! Leon – I didn’t know. I’m so sorry, but – Katherin’s book launch . . .

I’m confused now. Why is she sorry?

Tiffy: I wanted to be there, but it’s Katherin’s book launch on the Friday. I can’t believe this. Will you tell Richie to call when I’m in the flat, so I can apologise properly?

Me: For what?

Tiffy rolls her eyes impatiently.

Tiffy: For not being able to come to his appeal!

Stare at her. Blink a bit. Relax as I realise she is in fact not angry with me.

Me: Never would expect . . .

Tiffy: Are you joking? You didn’t think I was going to be there? It’s Richie!

Me: You really wanted to come?

Tiffy: Yes, Leon. I really, really wanted to come.

Poke her in the cheek with one finger.

Tiffy, already laughing: Ow! What was that for?

Me: You’re real? A real-life human female?

Tiffy: Yes, I’m real, you idiot.

Me: Implausible. How are you so nice, and also very pretty? You’re a myth, no? You’ll turn into an ogre at stroke of midnight?

Tiffy: Stop it. Bloody hell, you have low standards! Why shouldn’t I want to come to your brother’s appeal? He’s my friend too. I actually spoke to him before I spoke to you, I’ll have you know.

Me: I’m glad you didn’t meet him first. He is much more attractive than me.

Tiffy wiggles eyebrows.

Tiffy: Is that why you didn’t mention the appeal date?

Scuff feet. Thought I’d told her. She squeezes my arm.

Tiffy: It’s all right, honestly, I’m just teasing.

Think of the months of notes and leftover dinners, the never knowing her. Feels so different now I’ve met her. Can’t believe I wasted all that time – not just those months, but the time before that, the years of dawdling, settling, waiting.

Me: No, I should’ve told you. We should get better at this. We can’t keep relying on snatching days together as and when. Or on colliding by accident.

I pause, testing a thought. Could switch to the occasional day shift? Stay in the flat one night a week? Open my mouth to suggest it, but Tiffy’s eyes have gone wide and serious, almost nervous, and I freeze, suddenly sure it’s the wrong thing to say. Then, after a moment: Tiffy, brightly: How about a calendar on the fridge?

Right. That’s probably more appropriate – it’s early days. Am being far too keen.

Glad I didn’t say anything now.



I stare up at the very distant, very spiderwebby ceiling. It’s absolutely bloody freezing in here, even under a duvet and three blankets, with Rachel’s body heat to the left of me like a person-shaped radiator.

Today has been an extremely frustrating day. It’s unusual you get to spend an entire eight hours staring at the person you fancy. If we’re honest, most of my day has been spent fantasising about all of the other people in this castle being vaporised, leaving just me and Leon, naked (the vaporiser also took our clothes), with many exciting places to have sex in.

I’m still clearly a mess about Justin, and as things progress with Leon I can feel nice-scary tilting towards scary-scary a little more often. When Leon started talking about making more time for each other, for instance, the panicky trapped feeling tightened right in again. But beneath that, when I’m thinking clearly, I have such a good feeling about Leon. He’s where my mind goes when I’m feeling my best. He makes me even more determined to get over what happened with Justin because I don’t want to be carrying the weight of that with Leon. I want to be light and footloose and fancy-free. And naked.

Beth O'Leary's Books